Why Do Babies Throw Everything On The Floor?

Babies go through a phase in which they throw whatever they can get their hands on on the floor. Do you want to know why
Why do babies throw everything on the floor?

Every toddler goes through a phase that poses the following puzzle: Why do babies throw everything on the floor?  Do you want to know why Then read on.

Your child has surely surprised you several times with their athletic abilities. Within seconds, everything within reach ends up in a high arc elsewhere. And you clean up and ask yourself: Why do babies throw everything on the floor?

Perhaps at first you thought this was an act of rebellion. Or that they want to get your attention with it. However, that impression changes when you realize that they do this every day.

Fearful, surprised, or smiling, you ask them to stop because they can break something or hurt someone. We have good news, however: this ability is simply your baby’s first way of interacting with the environment. When asked ” Why do babies throw everything on the floor?” so there is an answer as simple as it is amazing:

When throwing an object, you usually proceed as follows: You measure the force with which you have to throw, fixate the target and take a certain position. Your little child learns all of this every time he throws something on the floor. 

If they have thrown something a thousand times, expect them to do it a thousand more times.

You should be happy and grateful because that is a sign of development and growth. It’s another item on the list of skills your child will develop to face life’s challenges.

Guide them, teach them to be careful, identify hazards, and recognize sensitive materials.

Why do babies throw everything on the floor? Because they are learning!

Why do babies throw everything on the floor?

We see how the child’s body becomes stronger and more agile just by throwing things on the floor. You should accompany them in this task.

At a young age, it’s an odyssey full of challenges and a sense of achievement, just like a superhero.

First, let’s look at what exactly your little angel learns when he throws things on the ground.

Find out what is happening to the object

They watch to see if it breaks, makes certain noises, or stays in its original state. You remove your doubts with practice. For example: They throw things that make them curious as often as necessary to confirm their explanation of what they see or hear.

Measure distances

Even if you don’t believe it. Children this age have two great senses: eyesight and hearing. They visually analyze the trajectory of the object they are throwing.

You see the object change in size as it moves away until it becomes tiny. They use the sense of hearing to hear or see how long it takes for it to hit the floor. A later sound means that the object has flown further.

Why do babies throw everything on the floor? They test their own skills

Is it worth experimenting with this item further? Should I continue? Do I understand what happens if I throw it forcefully? Does it react differently when I do it this way?

You already understand the principle of cause and effect

After deciding to throw an object, discover what is causing it. It can break glass and trigger an anxious reaction from mom or dad. It can also make noise and disturb others or wake up the parents.

Social interaction

The little ones will find that certain sounds and actions pique the interest of others. Then they play with these objects to create a magical moment and share it with you.

On this occasion too, they build connections. In the future, what they learn as children will be transcendent in their personal and professional development.

Our little scientist reacts to his urge to discover with speed and cunning.

What can we do to improve this experience?

Why do babies throw everything on the floor?

You shouldn’t scold them unless they throw something valuable down or cause great damage. Instead, you can tell them what to throw and where.

You shouldn’t allow them to be aggressive about it. To give them a sense of order, you can encourage them to collect the things they threw with you.

Teach what is lawful by your own example. For example, by throwing dirty socks in the washing basket and useless paper in the trash. Little by little they will understand what is right and you will both benefit from it.

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