Back Pain During Pregnancy

Many women experience back pain during pregnancy. Here are a few tips to help you find relief.
Back pain in pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is as common as it is annoying. Although they are practically impossible to avoid, there are several measures you can take to at least alleviate them.

The following tips will help you improve your quality of life and make your pregnancy a little more comfortable.

Tips against back pain

Avoid sitting for too long

When you sit down, your hips, spine, and lower back muscles are strained. Therefore, you shouldn’t sit too long. Always get up briefly and take a few steps.

Stay active

Tips against back pain during pregnancy

Try to stay active and keep your whole body moving. If for some reason you cannot or are not allowed to do physical activity, do gentle stretching exercises at least twice a day.

Take care of your posture

Whether you are sitting, standing or lying down, make sure that your posture does not strain your back muscles. Stay upright and as straight as possible when you lie down.

Keep your posture straight when you walk so as not to aggravate the back pain.

Sleep on a firm mattress

If you sleep in a very soft bed, your spine will suffer unnecessarily. On a firmer mattress, you can maintain a straight posture and your body can rest better.

Don’t lift too hard

You shouldn’t lift anything heavy during pregnancy, as this could cause discomfort. Your back in particular suffers from it. 

Squat instead of bending your body forward

Whenever you need to pick something up from the floor, you should kneel down while keeping your back straight. In this way you can prevent excessive  strain on the back. 

Wear the right shoes

High heels are dangerous during pregnancy because they increase the risk of falling.

Even if you’ve gotten used to her all your life, now that you’re pregnant, you’ll need to put her aside for a while.

In addition to the increased risk of falling, high heels also lead to back pain. Better to wear flat and comfortable shoes!

Take a rest

Many women also have a wide range of household and / or work responsibilities and responsibilities for larger siblings during pregnancy. But don’t forget: You don’t have to be a heroine, you have to take care of yourself as much as possible during this time!

You have to take care of yourself and your unborn child, allow yourself to rest and let yourself be pampered.

If you are used to taking care of everything and managing the household on your own, then you should  at least delegate during pregnancy and  let your family help you.

Tips for Relieving Back Pain During Pregnancy

Finally, we have a number of tips for you on how to relieve your back pain.

  • Go swimming. In the water, weight is irrelevant and you can relieve tension. After consulting your doctor, you can enjoy your time in the pool and relax. 
  • Practice yoga. There is special yoga for pregnant women that can help you relieve back pain.
  • Treat yourself to a relaxing massage. This can be used to relieve tension in the legs, shoulders, hips and back. You will feel much better immediately afterwards!

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