Mothers Don’t Have A Vacation!

Mothers don’t have a vacation. As soon as there are children, that is over. Now they have other priorities in life. Relaxing days of doing nothing are a thing of the past. Going out or going to a party has become rare. Being a mother means having loads of duties.
Mothers don't have a vacation!

Little by little you suppress thoughts of days off and vacations only in the back of your head. It was heavenly when you could still get up at noon or stay home in the evening without any obligation to provide dinner. But that was before you got pregnant. Now you know: mothers don’t have a vacation. 

Many women know early on that they want to have a family of their own one day. But becoming a mother also means leaving many things behind. Now you can no longer do everything you want, because you have to take care of the little ones.

And yet, looking after your child, caring for them, protecting them, playing with them – all of this gives new meaning to the joy of life.

Mothers do not have a vacation on the beach

A mother’s duties are endless. Most of them she does happily out of love anyway. Mothers do not have vacation because it is impossible for them not  to take care of their families. That is the most important thing for them. 

Once the children go to school, you can relax every now and then. In fact, it can then happen that you notice how you have got used to taking care of the children. You might even get a little bored. After all, your drive is to be busy all day. 

In those rare moments when there is nothing to do, you look around for small activities. You might even kill some time before you pick up the kids from school. A mother might say that she is never really able to rest when the children are not in sight.

Mothers don’t have a vacation. And if they do, then they are different.

The way holidays once were, they no longer exist for you. You can’t always switch off. Often times you are tense and tired of shifting up and down between gears so that the baby falls asleep. 

When you think about it, the mother is often the one missing from family pictures. She was behind the camera or was cooking lunch. Your daily routine on days off could look like this:
  • At the weekend, when the kids aren’t at school, you’re still busy at home.
  • You or your husband still have to get up early to make breakfast.
  • Things to do are exhausting, no matter how much you enjoy spending time with your family.
  • You have to plan vacations in advance, taking into account the school holidays.

Mothers don't have a vacation, they're in the kitchen

And when you are on vacation, you hear: “Why can’t you relax? We are on vacation !? ” But even then there is still a lot to do. Mothers don’t have a vacation. Your days will be longer if the children do not go out of the house and to school. 

For example on the beach, because  mothers are always on the alert when the children are near water. We think they might drown or get sunburned. Sometimes it’s best to just stay with them all the time while they play. Then you avoid accidents and stop them from eating tons of sand.

Perhaps the only time we can really switch off is when relatives come to visit. They then keep an eye on the children and we can relax and have a little chat. But not all of us have this kind of support.

Do mothers ever have a day off?

Of course, you will have vacation again when your children are older and independent. But there will always be something they need your help with.

You will always call them to see how they are. You want to know that they are safe, that they are eating well, and that they are doing their homework. A mother’s job is never done, and when everyone else is on vacation, she gets busy.

Being a mother is a 24/7 job, but it’s worth it. You get paid with smiles and sloppy kisses, with fun and games. And that makes up for your lost free time. After all, being a mother is the toughest and most meaningful job in the world.

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