6 Ways To Make Your Baby Happy Through Prenatal Stimulation

6 ways to keep your baby happy with prenatal stimulation

Taking special measures for your baby during pregnancy, such as prenatal stimulation, will help build bonds of affection. This bond not only connects you with your child, but will also keep them happy throughout the pregnancy.

As soon as one of the most extraordinary miracles of nature – pregnancy – occurs, an immediate and exclusive partnership is created. That is why we are always very aware of the things that make our baby happy, even before it is born.

The emotions that come with pregnancy are an indescribable feeling for most women. Accordingly, we often hear or read: “You will only understand this if you experience it yourself.”

There are a few things we can do to keep our baby comfortable and happy in the womb, such as prenatal stimulation. Below we outline some of the ways a mother can go to achieve this:

Effective baby care before birth

Performing prenatal stimulation on the baby throughout pregnancy will be the main concern of future mothers who are concerned about the well-being of their child. For this reason, good prenatal care is essential for development.

Regular examinations give the doctor the chance to suggest changes to this routine right at the beginning, in case anything unusual is noticed.

Taking care of the child’s health before birth

Excellent diet, adequate water intake, and exercise are also good ways to care for your developing baby. When you feel good, the baby that is growing inside you will feel good too.

Taking care of our health is a way to show them how much we love them and want them to be very happy.

Communication and the bond of affection

Conversing with the baby before it is born is an important part of the early prenatal stimulation options that will aid the child’s future development.

The emotional and neural benefits of this type of communication encourage strong bonds of affection.

Pregnant woman calls unborn baby for prenatal stimulation

The baby’s ears stop developing by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. This milestone allows them to hear the sounds inside the womb, especially the voice of their mother.

A baby in the womb is able to hear the sounds of the future mother thanks to the high frequency transmission through the surge waves inside.

Prenatal stimulation

Another way to communicate with our baby and create a good connection is prenatal stimulation. We can caress our baby with very gentle massages of the stomach so that the baby feels our touch.

In the last few months of pregnancy, you will be able to interact with your baby. You will receive clear signs that it is listening to you. You will also notice that it becomes very much alive when it is very fond of something.

Contact with other family members

Whenever you can, you should involve other members of the family in the pregnancy process.

Celebrate every step of this process with your family members and close friends. For example, celebrate when the baby is moving in the womb as this shows how fast it is growing.

Child kisses pregnant belly for prenatal stimulation

Photo courtesy of B&B Fotografia – Javier

Realize the opportunity

Like all of us, during the final months of pregnancy a baby has hours to rest and hours to be active. It is helpful to recognize these times of rest and activity so that you don’t accidentally interrupt them.

If you don’t recognize their rest times, you could worry them by waking them up by petting them or singing.

Pregnant woman caresses her belly for prenatal stimulation

In the final stages of pregnancy, the baby will become increasingly worried. This is due to the discomfort caused by the dwindling space in the uterus.

It is therefore recommended that you communicate and stimulate your baby more often during this time.

In the final stages of pregnancy, you can combine physical contact with songs or calming words to help the baby relax. If it seems very restless, you can change your position by lying down or walking to make it feel more relaxed.

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