The 25th Week Of Pregnancy – What Happens?

The 25th week of pregnancy is an important time for both mother and child. At this stage, the baby’s lungs are fully formed and it continues to grow.
The 25th week of pregnancy - what happens?

In addition, by the 25th week of pregnancy, the mother’s body goes through major changes and various symptoms appear.

By the 25th week of pregnancy , the fetus can already open its eyes and has eyelashes. He can move his tongue from side to side and his fingernails are already growing.

The head is very large compared to the rest of the baby’s body. Gradually, however, it becomes a more appropriate size.

The 25th week of pregnancy: a crucial phase for the baby

The 25th week of pregnancy is the phase in which your little one measures around 33 centimeters and weighs around 700-800 grams. Of course, every baby grows at its own pace, but most babies are about the same size by 25 weeks.

Genetics and environmental factors will have a huge impact on your baby’s growth, although it won’t be very noticeable at birth. As pregnancy progresses, kidney function and blood flow improve.

The 25th week of pregnancy with fruit liquid

Amniotic fluid

As your pregnancy progresses, the amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby becomes more and more similar to urine. The flow of blood in the umbilical cord and placenta regulates the temperature of the fetus.

Over time, your baby’s temperature will move closer to your own.

Brown adipose tissue

By the 25th week of pregnancy, babies begin to develop brown adipose tissue. This fatty tissue gives the body warmth and energy. It usually forms on the chest, back, and neck.

The skin forms keratin

After 25 weeks of pregnancy , your baby’s skin layers will become thicker and the veins will become more noticeable.

Your baby’s skin produces more keratin, which is particularly concentrated in their hands and feet.

How does the mother’s body change in the 25th week of pregnancy?

A pregnant woman’s body has already undergone many changes by the 25th week of pregnancy. You will already have a very noticeable belly.

It is very important to wear appropriate clothing for advanced pregnancy as you are sure to gain weight. Avoid tight and uncomfortable clothing and wear cotton underwear.

The 25th week of pregnancy: sleep disorders

By the 25th week of pregnancy, a woman goes through major changes in her abdomen. Often the big belly makes it difficult to sleep.

In addition, your baby’s movements will be more noticeable than before and they will move a lot at night. 

During the day, your own movements rock your baby so that he sleeps most of the day. So if you’re just about to rest, your baby will wake up and start moving!

During this phase of pregnancy, women tend to fall asleep poorly or sleep uncomfortably. On the one hand, your baby’s size puts pressure on your bladder, so you have to go to the bathroom all the time.

On the other hand, the hormones are also to blame, as the rise in estrogen levels makes sleep difficult.

The 25th week of pregnancy without sleep

Reflux and heartburn

It is very likely that you have reflux or heartburn at this point in your pregnancy. Because the release of the hormone progesterone slows digestion and relaxes the muscles.

This will cause your gastric juice to enter your esophagus. In addition, as the pregnancy progresses, your baby will begin to push on their tummy, which makes the problem worse.

The pressure your baby puts on your stomach takes up space for food and causes further discomfort.


Flatulence in the 25th week of pregnancy is very common. Sometimes the pain caused by gases can be mistaken for labor.

At this point you are approaching your due date, so it is important to pay attention to your body’s signals.

Swollen legs and feet

Swollen legs and feet are a common symptom by the 25th week of pregnancy due to weight gain. As you gain weight, your hormone levels will change and your ligaments will suffer.

Changed heart rhythm

Expectant mothers also experience changes in heart rhythm. As a result, one can experience drastic mood swings and fluctuations in energy levels.

It is very important that your partner understands these changes and supports you.

Your mood swings are related to changes in your hormone levels, and this is completely normal.

After the baby is born, your hormone levels will naturally return to normal.

You can see your baby clearly on the ultrasound image

This is the perfect time for an ultrasound. In the 25th week of pregnancy, you can see your baby perfectly.

As you look at the ultrasound images on the screen, you can see a yawn or a kick, or even your baby sucking their thumb. The baby’s heartbeats will be very clear and easy to hear.

This is a critical phase of pregnancy, so it is important that you take care of yourself. You can still do light exercise. However, you must always remember that sudden movements can be dangerous for your baby.

The healthy development of your baby depends very much on your habits during pregnancy. You should get rid of any unhealthy habits that can negatively affect your baby, especially tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

Remember that you have a great responsibility for life in your womb.

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