Calcium, Iron And Zinc During Pregnancy

Diet plays a very important role during pregnancy. Calcium, iron and zinc are among the most important nutrients. A balanced diet has many benefits for pregnant women and promotes healthy baby growth
Calcium, Iron, and Zinc During Pregnancy

Calcium, iron and zinc are essential, especially during pregnancy, in order to have a positive influence on the development of the fetus.

The gynecologist often recommends a change in diet from the first trimester. Vitamin supplements are often necessary during pregnancy. Your doctor will advise you!

The Benefits of Calcium, Iron, and Zinc During Pregnancy

Calcium, Iron, and Zinc During Pregnancy

These minerals allow the fetus to develop healthily. But they are also very important for the mother’s health! We’ll then take a closer look at the benefits of each mineral.


Calcium is essential during pregnancy as it helps the baby’s bones form. There are  empfoheln 1,000 milligrams of calcium. In addition, pregnant women should drink two glasses of milk every day.

However, there are many other calcium-rich foods as well:

  • Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts
  • broccoli
  • parsley
  • seaweed
  • cabbage
  • raw fruits and vegetables


Iron is really important because it is necessary for hemoglobin production. It is responsible for ensuring that the mother and baby’s organism is supplied with sufficient oxygen.

Around 27-30 milligrams of iron are recommended daily during pregnancy . A supplement is often prescribed from the 2nd trimester onwards.

Recommended foods to increase iron intake are:

  • Lean meat
  • fish
  • liver
  • Eggs
  • whole grain products
  • Fruits like strawberries, melon, pineapple, papaya, guava, mango, figs and plums.


Most of this trace element is stored in bones, skin and hair. But zinc can also be found in the liver, kidneys and muscles. About 11 milligrams daily is recommended during pregnancy .

Zinc plays an important role. Because it can improve brain activity. In addition, the mineral is involved in the synthesis of proteins. See your doctor for advice. He or she may be able to recommend a dietary supplement for you.

Here is a list of foods that contain zinc:

  • Red meat
  • fish
  • Vegetables and legumes such as beets, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, spinach
  • Fruits like peaches and oranges
  • milk
  • Beans

Interaction of folic acid with calcium, iron and zinc

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the vitamin B complex. It is very important for the development of the brain and spine of the fetus.

Calcium, iron and zinc, as well as folic acid, are recommended during pregnancy to reduce the risk of spinal problems. Your doctor may recommend that you take a dietary supplement for the first three months of pregnancy.

However, you can also absorb more of these micronutrients through your diet. It’s best to combine foods of 5 different colors: red, purple, white, orange and green in every meal. Each color brings different nutrients with it.

Calcium, Iron, and Zinc During Pregnancy

Foods That Contain Folic Acid:

  • Oranges
  • pumpkin
  • broccoli
  • egg yolk
  • liver
  • Watercress
  • Swiss chard
  • Fruits like strawberries, raspberries, oranges, mangoes, melons and kiwi

With the right diet, you can supply your body with these nutrients during pregnancy.

Remember, however, that a moderate diet is recommended in order for the baby to be of a reasonable weight. First and foremost, think about your baby’s health to prevent complications during or after pregnancy.

Avoid fatty foods to  avoid obesity and high cholesterol. In particular, include vegetables, grains, and fruits in your diet. This can help promote healthy fetal development.

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