Accept A No: How Can You Teach This To Your Children?

Give your children anything they want and they will grow up to be intolerant and easily frustrated people who don’t know how to deal with difficulties. It is therefore very important that children learn that they also have to accept a no.
Accepting a no: how can you teach this to your kids?

We all know the sad feeling that arises when we haven’t been able to achieve our goals or when things don’t go as we wanted them to. If even adults have trouble dealing with situations like this, then you can imagine how difficult it must be for children. Teaching your children early on that they have to accept no too will be very helpful for them later in life.

Accept no - girls with tantrums

Low tolerance for frustration

Low tolerance for frustration is a key concept in learning to accept a no as well . Frustration is a collection of feelings such as sadness, disappointment, and disillusionment that arise when you don’t get what you want.

Why are some people better able to handle these emotions? Mainly this has to do with their past experiences.

Even in childhood, you encounter problems with the behaviors and strategies you learned from your parents. If your parents don’t give you the right tools, you won’t know how to deal with these difficulties.

Children with a low tolerance for frustration may not have been given clear and precise rules in life. Instead, they always got what they wanted straight away. In addition, they did not experience failures or limits.

Deep down, they are children with low self-esteem because it is very important to go through difficult situations in order to form a positive self-image of yourself.

Children with low tolerance for frustration

  • Have trouble controlling their emotions.
  • Are impatient and impulsive.
  • Can for their age atypical fears show particularly in conflict situations.
  • Additionally, they are self-centered and think the world is all about them and they deserve it all. They also believe that borders are unfair.
  • They are very demanding and want to meet their needs immediately. If this is not possible, they will have a fit of anger.
  • They are also stiff and inflexible. They find it difficult to adapt to change.

Accept no - mother with stubborn son

This is how you can teach your children to accept no

Don’t be too lenient

Of course, while many parents have only the very best of intentions in protecting their children from any disappointment, frustration, or pain, they are doing their children a disservice. These parents think that their children will have enough painful experiences as adults and that they should therefore enjoy their childhood as carefree and unencumbered as possible.

Therefore, they try to solve for them any difficulty their children might have, no matter how small. They carry their school bags, do their children’s homework and fulfill their every wish.

However, you should keep in mind that eventually your child will grow up and you will not always be by their side. So it is best if you teach them that they have to accept no too. Teach them how to deal with their frustration and that these feelings are a part of life.

If you always solve all problems for them, they will not know how to deal with and overcome their future challenges and difficulties.

Encourage them to be autonomous and teach them to accept no

Only through experiences that we have ourselves do we begin to develop our own selves. Therefore, you should encourage their autonomy in tasks that are appropriate to their age.

Children who have experienced and mastered challenges at a young age have better problem-solving skills. They will also get a better self-concept of themselves and have enough self-confidence to solve their own problems.

Teach them not to be afraid of making mistakes

If you have to accept no, it can be especially difficult sometimes if you didn’t get what you hoped for or if you feel like you failed. It is therefore important for children to understand that making mistakes is a normal part of the learning process and that they shouldn’t be afraid to try things out.

Accept no - screaming boy

Don’t be impressed by her outbursts of anger

If you teach your children to accept no too, then you are giving them a great gift.

Of course, this is not that easy, because you probably won’t be really excited about it at the beginning. Therefore, you shouldn’t give up even if you don’t succeed right away.

If your child is screaming and raging, you shouldn’t reinforce this behavior. It is just a way for children to express their frustrations. Over time, they will learn to better manage their feelings and how to express them appropriately.

Talk to your children and explain why they have to accept no too

If you forbid them to do something or refuse a wish, then you should also explain your reasons for this decision to them.

It is important that you speak to your children and explain to them why they cannot always get everything they want. You may think that they won’t understand, but they will realize that their parents take them seriously, make an effort, and be calm and caring with them.

It is also better to say no and then give reasons, because then they can better understand and accept these decisions. And then they won’t be angry with you either.

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