Breastfeeding And Medication: Clearing Up The Myths

Listen to your doctor and ask them if you have any doubts so they can find the best solution for you. 
Breastfeeding and Medication: Eliminating the Myths

About breastfeeding and medication  many myths exist. The most important point here is that you always follow the instructions of your pediatrician.

Breastfeeding and Medication: Eliminating the Myths

Listen to your doctor and ask them if you have any doubts  so they can find the best solution for you. 

While there is a lot of information online, it is not generally applicable. Every woman is different and every situation requires different treatments.

Various studies show that around 80% of mothers take certain medications while breastfeeding for various reasons.

Many stop or prefer not to breastfeed their child to prevent side effects. However, it is important to be well informed, because not every drug is an immediate danger to the baby.

Most medications prescribed to nursing mothers  do not affect breast milk and therefore do not affect the baby. 

In most cases, no drug residues can be found in breast milk. This is also usually the case with external medication, such as eye drops or cortisone ointment.

However, it is important to be careful that the baby does not come into direct contact with the ointment while breastfeeding. 

Breastfeeding and Medication: Drink breast milk

Breastfeeding and Medication: Why Are Many Afraid?

Almost all medicines have the following sentence on their package insert: “If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, contact your doctor before using this product.”

This information is absolutely accurate. A doctor needs to determine which drug and dosage is right for a nursing mother.

The point is to ask the doctor,  but that doesn’t mean that certain drugs are banned. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are legally obliged to state on the package insert whether the product is suitable for breastfeeding mothers.

If there is a risk, the following statement must be included in the description of the medicinal product:

It is a clear prohibition during breastfeeding. Your doctor can give you more information and advice. Breastfeeding and medication are not always compatible. 

Medicines that may be taken during breastfeeding

Many of the drugs available on the market can be safely taken while breastfeeding.

These drugs have all been reviewed and found to have no effect on breast milk production. No residues were found in breast milk either.

The following drugs are usually allowed:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Paracetamol
  • Amoxicillin
  • penicillin
  • Omeprazole

Breastfeeding and medication.  Ask your doctor.

You shouldn’t take these medications while you are breastfeeding

Cancer or AIDS medication must usually be avoided while breastfeeding.

There are also treatments which were safe for the baby, but after precise instructions  must be taken.

For example, acetaminophen is on the safe medication list but should be taken after breastfeeding or at least two hours before breastfeeding as this drug is believed to cause drowsiness in babies.

Propanol for high blood pressure reduces milk production but does not harm the baby.

The contraceptive pill has the same effect. Although this does not have a harmful effect on your baby’s health, it does mean that less milk can be produced.

So now you know that not every medication is harmful to your baby while breastfeeding. Let your doctor advise you and never treat yourself with medication on your own!

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