Unconditional And Eternal: A Mother’s Love

When we say nature is wise, one of the things we are referring to is the bond between mothers and their children.
Unconditional and Eternal: A Mother's Love

The a mother’s love is the strongest form of love there is. The love between mother and child arises from the first moment and is a connection between two bodies and souls. Mother’s love is unconditional and eternal.

A mother’s instinct to protect her offspring begins with the knowledge of her pregnancy. Over the course of the next nine months, her child becomes the most precious being in the world, even though she has not even seen it with her own eyes.

Babies have certain instincts for survival. They are born with some strategies and “tricks” to help them so that the adults around them will take care of them and protect them. This is the case, for example, with the reflex of the so-called angel smile.

But the relationship between mother and child is different. It is much deeper and more important than just a baby’s survival instinct. 

A healthy relationship based on unconditional love, affection, and respect leads to happy children.

Happy children become happy adults

Mother and child form a bond and develop a relationship that will shape them both more than almost any other experience in their life.

A child’s relationship with their mother is often essential and shapes the way they will encounter people in their future life. 

A mother’s love is unconditional and does not depend on the child’s circumstances and character traits. The child’s relationship with his mother also arises from a place of love. There is no courtship phase.

A mother's love

We don’t have to fight for a mother’s love. This gives us an extra portion of self-confidence, which comes from the feeling of deserving love and being taken for who we are and not for what we do. 

But how can we love someone we don’t even know? How can we love something so tiny? Because it’s part of us and fills a void in us that we didn’t even know existed – and because it fills us with tenderness and fragility.

When we take on the role of a mother, a new side of ourselves emerges. We are stronger and able to sacrifice everything for our children.

This connection is essential as a biological mechanism. Babies are unable to survive on their own and need the help of an adult to feed, protect, and care for them until they can stand on their own two feet.

But does this connection also go beyond that? Studies have shown that a mother’s brain changes permanently after she has children.

A mother’s love is unconditional and eternal

A mother's love

There are numerous references in both mythology and religion to the unconditional love between mother and child and to the power of motherhood in general.

This is the case, for example, with Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, who sets the seasons in motion after her daughter Persephone is kidnapped.

Or the Virgin Mary in the Catholic faith who becomes pregnant even though she is a virgin and sees her son die on the cross. She personally defeats the devil who is unable to look her straight in the eyes.

For thousands of years we have honored this unbreakable covenant for the strength it gives to those who share it. 

The protection we receive from this unconditional love gives us an emotional safety net to grow up with. 

A mother’s love keeps us going as we are and helps us look to the future with confidence.

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