Prenatal Stimulation – Techniques And Benefits

One of the most beautiful moments in pregnancy is when you feel your baby for the first time. Did you know there are techniques you can use to stimulate your baby? We’ll tell you the benefits of prenatal stimulation and what else you need to know.
Prenatal Stimulation - Techniques and Benefits

One of the best moments in pregnancy is when you feel your baby for the first time. Did you know there are techniques you can use to stimulate your baby? We’ll tell you the  benefits of prenatal stimulation and what else you need to know.

Feeling the baby’s first kick is a key moment for any pregnant woman. Now you not only know that there is a baby in your womb – you can feel it too. From then on, it will never go unnoticed and its movements, even if they are sometimes uncomfortable, will calm you down.

Prenatal stimulation is based on the idea of ​​stimulating the baby’s various senses as they develop. So this is how you strengthen his motor skills, emotions and sensory skills. At the same time, you create intimate moments between the two of you.

It is recommended that you do these exercises regularly during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. But some, such as tactile stimulation, can be done almost immediately after the start of pregnancy.

Prenatal stimulation – these are the advantages

Prenatal stimulation has many advantages. Pregnancy can be very long. But if you use every day to do the right exercises, time will pass in an instant.

Here are some reasons that will convince you to incorporate these techniques into your daily life.

  • They will help you bond with your baby. You will find that what you do has a direct impact on your baby. And you will feel immediately connected to him.
  • The exercises promote the development of your baby’s senses. Each exercise is specially designed for one sense and its development and therefore ideally suited for each sense individually.
  • They calm you down. Noticing how your baby reacts to each exercise will take away your restlessness and worries about his or her health. It is there and you can feel it.

The prenatal stimulation

Prenatal Stimulation Techniques

The following exercises are always intended for one purpose. So it’s best to switch to a different exercise every day.

This way, neither you nor your baby will be bored. And remember, the more you enjoy it, the more your baby will enjoy it too.

Visual stimulation. After about 4 months, your baby will be able to use their eyesight and respond to visual stimuli.

  • Let the sun shine directly on your stomach. The light will penetrate to your baby too.
  • Play different games with the flashlight. Turn them on and off to get your baby’s attention and elicit different responses.

Auditory stimulation. These exercises will become more effective by the 14th week, but you can start right away when you are pregnant.

  • Talk to your baby Don’t stop talking to him. Your voice is the best stimulus it can have.
  • Play soft music to make him feel safe. 
  • Run in nature. The sounds there are also stimulating for your baby.
  • Play different instruments. Soft piano melodies or percussions with flamenco drums make your baby react very differently.

Tactile stimulation. The meaning of soothing caressing begins in the womb. It increases especially after the 6th or 7th week.

  • Experiment with different materials on your skin, such as a feather or a brush.
  • Caress your stomach using different fingers or all of them at the same time.
  • Massage your stomach. By varying the pressure, you encourage your baby to react in different ways.
  • Respond to the baby’s movements. If it stirs, apply pressure to the area where it is wriggling. It will be the perfect interaction between you.

The prenatal stimulation

Motor stimulation. The baby will move if you change your position, so try to vary your posture. It will notice this as early as the 10th week.

  • Pregnancy yoga is very good for this type of stimulation.
  • Try different positions at home. Change the side you are lying on in bed or lower your stomach when you are standing. 

The consumption of certain foods also animates your baby. But don’t overdo it. His movements and reactions should not be overexcited.

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