Stick Out Tongue For More Concentration

You can see this behavior in many children. It is so common that it is hardly noticeable.
Stick out your tongue for more focus

Stick out your tongue for more concentration!   We have all seen this in children. But why do you do it?

According to experts, children do this when they are between 5 and 9 years old. Sticking out the tongue during an activity in which the child is very focused is not a mental or health problem. The fact that children stick out their tongues for more concentration seems to be more of a reflex that arises between language and motor skills.

Sticking out the tongue for more concentration is similar to our gestures and facial expressions when we speak. Instead, children stick their tongues out.

This can be a sign that you are very focused on what you are doing right now. It’s a beautiful sight to see them like that. Nothing can distract them for a while. No noise, no other children playing, no music and no talking people interrupt them.

Stick out your tongue for more concentration! Why?

Stick out your tongue for more concentration!

Scientists have only recently looked at this phenomenon. According to a study, the reason for this is the close connection between language and the center for motor activities. The results have shown that it’s not just about sticking out the tongue, but rather about observing behavioral patterns.

For this study, the scientists filmed 14 children while they were doing different things. The children in the group were all 5 years old and all right-handed.

For observation, the scientists gave the children special tasks that corresponded to different degrees of motor skills.  

They found that the tongue out reflex is related to tasks that require fine motor skills. And when more exercise was needed, they often saw a tongue sticking out. This made the concentration visible.

Another finding was that the children were pointing their tongue on both sides. The study researchers also highlighted how often and for how long this gesture was performed.

The following was clear: in activities that required less precision, the reflex was more visible. Less often it was done in fine motor activities.

This behavior was justified in connection with communication in general. The researchers found that most of the time children stick their tongue out to the left. This in turn corresponds to the hemisphere of the brain that houses the language center.

Stick out tongue for more concentration! Now you know…

We are sure: now you know what we are talking about. We have all seen this phenomenon. The next time we see it, we’ll look more consciously. It’s a sweet gesture and, in any case, a very interesting and insightful one.

Watch your children. Find out what activities they focus on so that they stick their tongue out.

Stick out your tongue for more focus

According to the studies, this behavior has to do with language. Maybe that’s how we see how your brain works. It’s also an indication of what they can achieve. This reflex shows us that their skills are excellent. It’s a very simple behavior pattern, but science has studied several of them and you should know about them.

You may be wondering why this reflex doesn’t occur in adults. The researchers have stated that this can sometimes still be the case. But when we become aware of it, we suppress it for cultural reasons.

We don’t want other adults to see us doing it. But it is something that can occur at any time, because it is a primitive reflex that can hardly be completely eliminated.

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