12 Habits To Keep Your Home Clean

There are very practical tips that can save you time organizing your household.
12 habits for keeping your home clean

Find out how you can keep your home clean without spending hours cleaning. In addition to keeping your home clean, you will help your children develop good habits from an early age.

Keeping your home clean is a big challenge when you have young children. You must always face the toys on the floor and the food stains on walls and carpets. However, there are very practical tips that can save you time organizing your home.

Of course, you should teach your kids to be orderly anyway, and they should have a sense of responsibility. Already at a young age, give your children simple tasks that are appropriate to their age and contribute to order and cleanliness. This makes it easier to keep your home clean.

Communication at home is of the utmost importance, it needs to be fluid and open so that guidelines and routines can be set and followed. Parents are responsible for giving their children the schedules for eating, bathing, studying and playing, among other things.

-Doctor Paola Rodríguez-

Tips for busy moms who want to keep their home clean

In the bedroom

keeping your home clean - cleaning day

  • Make the bed as soon as you get up. If you go to bed first thing in the morning, you will subconsciously increase your productivity. That way, you are less likely to fall asleep again.
  • Clean your bedside table every day. Have wet wipes nearby so you can quickly wipe the bedside table when you get up. This way, you will avoid postponing this task until the weekend and it all piling up.
  • Check wardrobes frequently. Have a place in each of the closets to store items that your family will no longer use. Then you can donate them later or sell them at a thrift store.
  • Organize your clothes that you used during the day. If you stack your clothes on a chair, your cleaning day will be much longer. Make it a habit to put what you’ve been wearing in a laundry basket with dirty clothes, or to keep everything in one place in the closet.
  • Have a laundry basket for each person in the family. In this way everyone can organize their dirty clothes. Have an extra laundry basket for things like curtains and bedding.
  • Avoid piling up folding clothes. Decay after washing and drying the laundry, do not be tempted to throw it in a corner and forget it. Organizing clothes immediately after washing will save you a lot of time.

    In the bathroom

    • After bathing, spray some detergent in the shower. Take a few minutes to clean the shower a little. That way, the stains won’t be difficult to remove. Apply the detergent, let it sit a little, and then remove it.
    • Clean the toilet as part of your nightly routine. As you brush your teeth and wash your face, you can brush a little. Use a towel or cloth with disinfectant for a quick clean.
    • Organize your bathroom supplies before bed. With the makeup, toiletries, and hair falling on the sink, the day ends in a mess. To prevent the stains from sticking, clean the sink every evening.

    In the kitchen

    • Everyone flushes the utensils they use. If your children are old enough, they should at least wash their own dishes in the morning. This will prevent you from coming home to a mess after work.
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    • Cleanse while cooking. It is ideal to share the tasks with your partner and your children. So nobody is overloaded with housework. You can also take turns distributing the tasks. That way, things are fairer.
    • Clean the oven after each use. An oven that has been used for multiple meals will be more difficult to clean, so it is a good idea to do it right away. The less time you allow between cleaning, the easier and faster it will be to clean everything.

    Another great tip to avoid having objects in the wrong place and keeping your home clean is to have containers for everything. Use drawers for toys, school supplies, toiletries, or makeup.

    When you have a dedicated space for everything to organize family property, there is no need to be cluttered.

    Get your family involved in cleaning routines so everyone learns how to look after their room and the importance of having a tidy home. As a team, everyone should participate in activities that will benefit all of you. Organizing the house shouldn’t be a boring task. If your home is clean, you will be happier.

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