Regular Sleep Times Are Essential For Children!

Sleep times change depending on the age of the child, because from 3 years a child needs between 10 and 13 hours of sleep, but only between 8 and 10 hours during puberty. 
Regular sleep times are essential for children!

Regular sleep times  are essential for the healthy development of children. But it is often not that easy to convince them of this, because children have “much more important things” on their minds. But the quiet at night is even more important to them than to adults. 

Even if your offspring has various excuses ready to stay awake a few minutes longer, or if tears are his strategy, you should make sure that  you  sleep regularly Because lack of sleep can have a very negative effect on its development.

Children are much more active than adults. You may have an infinite amount of energy, but you also experience constant change. Therefore, they need sufficient rest to recover physically and mentally and to be ready for all the information and activities of the next day. 

Why are regular sleep times so important?

A lack of sleep can lead to a variety of problems in children. Diseases could even occur, some of which can be dangerous. 

Physical problems from lack of sleep

Insufficient sleep leads to tiredness and exhaustion. As a result, children are less productive and cannot perform their daily tasks satisfactorily. However, exhaustion can also lead to joint and muscle stiffness, headaches, or stomach problems.

Emotional problems due to lack of sleep

Disorders such as depression and nervousness are very common when there is a lack of sleep or the quality of sleep leaves something to be desired. Fatigue, irritability, bad mood, sadness, and apathy are possible consequences. 

Lack of sleep also affects the child’s character and behavior, which may even withdraw from their fellow human beings.

Regular sleep times for children

Cognitive problems from lack of sleep

Concentration and attention also suffer from a lack of sleep. If  regular sleep times  are missing, the child’s performance can deteriorate significantly. This in turn also has a negative effect on a social and emotional level. It is slower than its classmates, it becomes frustrated and its self-esteem suffers.

If they are not sufficiently rested  , the child will also be less creative. You always have good ideas when you can think clearly and alertly!

Regular Sleep Times: Tips for Parents

A few tips and tricks can make it easier to follow regular sleep times. They are simple but very effective and allow not only children but also adults to sleep better. Because parents often suffer from lack of sleep while trying to help their children. 

Stress at work, family obligations and everyday tasks also lead to worries about the children to overload. This is why it is important to learn relaxation techniques that  are very beneficial for both children and adults.

Relaxing music

Calm music helps children fall asleep. Use classical works or meditation music, but it should only be heard softly. Your child will fall asleep quickly and there will be a relaxed and pleasant climate in the house.

A warm bath

The best way to pamper your child one hour before bed is a warm bath. It can relax and feel tired afterwards. Once he wears the night suit, he can fall into bed and sleep soundly.

You can then treat yourself to a relaxing bath to get rid of the daily hustle and bustle!

Warm milk also has a relaxing effect!

This home remedy was already used by our grandmothers, also for colds and sore throats. Experts also recommend a glass of warm milk (with honey) to help you fall asleep better.

This also promotes intestinal transit. If your child is lactose intolerant, you’ll be happy to hear that lactose-free milk has the same effect.

Regular sleep times are important!

No technological devices in the bedroom!

It’s not always easy, but you have to be strict about it. Children should not use electronic devices one to two hours before going to bed. Tablet, computer or mobile phone activate the brain and lead to difficulty falling asleep.

It is best to read a book with your child. Your offspring will benefit far more from this pre-sleep habit. It also makes it easier for him to get used to regular sleep times.

Relaxation techniques to encourage regular sleep times

If you see your child having trouble falling asleep, you can try relaxation techniques. Many of these focus on the child imagining a place where they are comfortable. 

Once it has found this place spiritually  , it can imagine having fun there and discovering different things. It will gradually fall asleep without being aware of it.

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