The Love Of My Life Is Born

I can’t stop thinking about how everything will change when the love of my life is finally born. The days go by and the excitement grows with the rhythm of the little heartbeat in my stomach.
The love of my life is born

I keep wondering what my baby is going to be like. I long to finally have my child, the love of my life, by my side.

The days are filled with pure happiness and true love. But I have to wait what feels like an eternity.

But the days, weeks and months are worth waiting for the gift that is being given to me. But I can’t stop dreaming of holding you right now.

When the love of my life is born, everything will be better. On the day of my birth, I experience the true meanings of love, sacrifice, and devotion.

When I look you in the eye for the first time, I will experience a completely new feeling of happiness.

When I see your first cute smile I’ll be in heaven. Like I can touch paradise with my own hands.

All the secrets and wonders of life will be revealed. I will put all my faith in my strength and bravery as a wife and mother.

You will forever be the love of my life

When the love of my life comes into the world, all my hopes and dreams will also come back to life. I will finally see how beautiful life is and that the world gives me a smile every day.

I can blindly trust the future, because I now understand that only this moment plays a role.

Love of my life couple

I will enjoy the here and now. Time isn’t running – it flies by at an incredible rate, and the kids are getting bigger and bigger.

I will record every experience and every moment with you and write down our common history in our book of life.

When you finally come into the world, you will completely fill me with your purity, freshness and innocence. I’ll do anything to look good in the innocent eyes of your childhood.

I will fight every day to pave the way for you. You will become the sweet center of my life.

When the love of my life arrives, I will swear my eternal love to her.

I will give you all my patience, perseverance and reliability. I swear to you, I will never get tired of holding my baby and healing all of his wounds.

I will shower you with loving, tender kisses every day.

Your love gives me strength

Love of my life baby

When my baby is born, I will need a lot of strength. I will rediscover my courage in every challenge. The crying and our first breakup will break my heart over and over again.

In exchange for the most beautiful bond there can be between two people, this is only a small sacrifice.

I promise you I will be an infinite source of motivation. I will bless our covenant and trust in your abilities and your being. And I promise that I will never be blinded by your successes and failures, but will always only see your efforts.

There is nothing more powerful than the bond between us. What we feel for one another can move the world.

I will not feel more comfortable with anyone than with my little sunshine and I will be his friend and reliable companion.

What if life surprises us? What if nothing goes as planned?

The only thing that matters is that we do everything together. Because, my child, you will soon be born and you are the love of my life.

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