Should You Wash Children’s Hair Every Day?

The bathroom is an important part of a child’s care routine. However, how often the hair needs to be washed depends on the child’s activities. Experts mostly question daily hair washing. 

The question arises again and again whether it is good to wash children’s hair every day. Many believe that this affects hair growth or could even lead to hair loss. Therefore, today we are looking into the question of whether one should wash children’s  hair every day  or, better still, not.

Hair washing depends in particular on the activities of the child and also on the type of skin and hair. An athlete, an artist or a sandcastle builder has to wash his hair more often than a budding writer or cartoonist.

Another aspect is the exact age of the child.  A small baby still has very sensitive skin and does not need to be bathed as often as a larger toddler. 
Bathing or washing your hair too often leads to dry skin and could also trigger dermatitis.
At school age, however, things look different again. Children get dirtier, often play outside, and then actually need a thorough cleaning.

Should you wash children’s hair every day?

A dermatologist will likely advise you not to wash your child’s hair every day. As a rule, it is recommended to wash your hair three times a week. Three minutes with a short, gentle massage of the scalp is sufficient. Use lukewarm water for this.

It is important to use a skin-friendly, pH-neutral shampoo. This can help prevent reddening of the skin and burning eyes. 

The use of a conditioner is optional. This of course depends on your child’s hair type. It can be used to care for dry or damaged hair in particular. Another advantage is that it makes the hair easier to comb.

From the age of 12  , the child can wash their hair every dayThis is because hormonal changes already begin in pre-puberty, which lead to increased sebum formation and stronger body odor.

The happy hour: bath time!

Some toddlers don’t even love spending time in the bathtub. This can be justified with various arguments:

  • The parents leave the child alone in the water for too long.
  • The water temperature is not comfortable.
  • Shampoo or soap cause itching or allergies.

Wash hair in the bathroom

To keep your child from being scared of the bath or just not feeling like spending time in the water,  make sure they have fun doing it. Give him toys to chat with in the bathtub.

You can also read or tell him funny stories. Get creative yourself to give your child a great, relaxing time in the tub! It can learn how important personal hygiene is.

Children with long hair

From the age of 6, girls and boys begin to become more and more aware of their bodies, their clothes and their appearance. Many girls want beautiful long hair that can be braided into different hairstyles. 

However, long hair requires special care. Here are a few tips:

  • Wash long hair every other day.
  • Use gentle shampoo and conditioner designed for children.
  • Wash the hair with lukewarm water to protect the hair follicles.
  • Comb the hair gently  and trim the tips regularly.

Care for a beautiful head of hair

If you want to take special care of your child’s hair  , we have further tips for you here: 

Don’t send your child to bed with their hair wet

After washing your hair there should be time for the hair to dry. Damp hair can spread bacteria on the pillow and potentially lead to infection. Itching, dryness and dandruff could also develop as a result.

Ponytails or braids

You shouldn’t pull wet hair back in a ponytail or braid. Bacteria can settle in better and the hair can also become brittle. 

Wash your hair every day

Good nutrition

For children in general, nutrition is fundamental to good development. But certain nutrients should not be missing for beautiful hair either. 

Include the following foods in your diet regularly: eggs, cheese and yogurt, whole grain bread, sardines, avocado, banana, tomato, and nuts.

All of these recommendations will help you  to keep your child’s hair healthy and beautiful and to create the best conditions for healthy hair growth. 

Don’t forget to use quality products that will  moisturize the hair adequately and protect your child’s delicate hair. After all, you have to decide for yourself whether or not you have to wash your child’s hair every day. Because every child has different needs and circumstances vary.

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