Do You Know The Kassing Method?

Today we will get to know the Kassing method. Discover their advantages and use them. First and foremost, newborns will benefit from it.
Do you know the Kassing method?

Read on and discover the Kassing Method.

What is the Kassing Method?

The Kassing Method is a technique used to bottle babies. The technique of breastfeeding is used as an example. The baby is bottle-fed in such a way that it has the same experience as if it were sucking milk directly from its mother’s breast.

It is a method that was developed a few years ago by Dr. Dee Kassing was developed. It was about giving the baby the bottle in the most natural way possible. The most important thing here is to encourage contact with the baby to ensure that the bottle does not become an obstacle.

This method allows the mother, after she has started feeding her baby, to breastfeed her again without any problems because she may still have breast milk left.

When a baby gets used to bottle feeding and has no problem with it, it is very difficult to get them back to breastfeeding. It may even refuse the breast, because now it prefers the bottle. In order to prevent this, Dee Kassing invented this method, which simulates contact and sucking on the mother’s breast.

Properties of the bottle

Kassing method - suitable teat

Feeding your baby is basically an excellent option. But if you prefer a mixed feeding system, this is the method you should use. Remember that there are a number of things to consider when feeding your baby.

The bottle requires good hygiene measures during use. Otherwise, it can cause bacterial infections. Proper cleaning of the bottle is therefore essential.

One of the benefits of bottle feeding your baby is that it makes feeding easier for your baby because it doesn’t take much suction to get the milk it needs.

To use the Kassing method we need to use the correct nipple. It has to be round and you should avoid anatomical suckers. It must ensure a slow flow of milk, be narrow, soft and about 2 cm long.

You should also buy a bottle that is straight and not bent. Note that the problem with straight bottles is that the milk cannot be sucked so easily. This means that the baby has to try harder to suckle.

And as we said before, the nipple has to be round. The teat thus resembles the shape of the mother’s nipple. In addition, the teat needs to be long so that it reaches the point where the baby’s hard and soft palates meet. The same thing happens during breastfeeding.

The teat should ensure a slow flow of milk because it takes longer for the milk to come out of the teat. So the baby will have to work harder, just as it does when breastfeeding. It will also take longer to empty the bottle. This also has the advantage that the baby has a paused digestion as drinking becomes slower.

Kassing method - position

The position in which you should give your baby the bottle

In addition to the teat, it is just as important that we take a certain position while feeding. It is important for the Kassing Method that the baby sits as upright as possible. The bottle should be kept as horizontal as possible.

This reduces the effect of gravity. This will make the baby strain to drink as if you were breastfeeding. It also uses it to control the speed and amount of milk it drinks. To achieve this, it is advisable to place the baby at an angle of 90 degrees. You should put one hand under his head and neck and the other on the bottle. Make sure you hold the bottle horizontally to prevent the milk from flowing into your baby’s mouth.

Some experts recommend using syringes or spoons for feeding instead of the bottle. However, this is not advisable. But if you have to resort to alternative means of feeding, remember that the best route is the Kassing Method.

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