Living In The Present – What We Learn From Children

Living in the present – how many times have we tried and failed? The arrival of a child is like a new start in our life. They are our presence, they give us hope and joy. You are the best that ever happened to us. And we constantly dream about how our future will be with them.
Living in the present - what we learn from children

Sociologists and psychologists often remind us of a problem facing society today. It is our inability to be present in the moment – to use the here and now. With a child, on the other hand, living in the present becomes essential.

Living in the present is not easy

We are complex beings and we grapple with the past like crazy. Sometimes this obsession ends in depression.

In the same way, we sometimes focus too much on the future that has not yet occurred. We get caught up in an unbearable tangle of fears.

It is not easy to live in the here and now, especially when everything around us is so demanding that we are forced to make concrete plans for tomorrow. In addition, our environment reminds us of past mistakes.

But happiness lies in the here and now! This is something that most mothers discover when they give birth. Fathers realize this when they hold their little ones in their hands.

Suddenly something changes. It is like a music box that, when it is open, invites us to pause and marvel at its beauty. The beauty of this child is what binds us to the present.

My past matters, but it doesn’t make me alone. My child, on the other hand, defines my core and my authenticity as a person.

Living in the present

Mistakes are an integral part of the past. They remind us of wrong decisions and wonderful finds we have made. Everyone has a story. It consists of small drops of nostalgia and the occasional large dose of remorse.

Nothing in the past should matter when our first child arrives. Birth eases the severity of all yesterday’s mistakes, all painful relationships that have come to an unpleasant end, and all the wrong paths we have taken.

A child is like a line under the past that erases our mistakes. They are a driving force for joy and the impulse they give us leads us to a better future.

Don’t let past burdens rule your present. Many parents and many new mothers are afraid because they themselves had a difficult childhood where they were hurt or broken up with their parents.

  • We have to “heal” ourselves to be good parents. It is a process that takes time and careful manual labor. But it is important that we do it.
  • Remember, bad fathers and mothers are the ones who project their own frustrations onto their child. Those who fail to close yesterday’s wounds.

We should therefore try to prevent this kind of dynamic. 

My child fills my life with projects and makes it so much nicer

Living in the present

We know that giving birth and raising children are not easy. The present becomes more complex and intense than ever when you have to figure out why your baby is crying.

You may feel so exhausted that you think even endless hours of sleep cannot restore you. And yet, despite all of this, you have the strength to breastfeed her, bathe her, take her to the doctor and make her laugh …

Living in the present is magical

The here and now can be harsh, but its seeds are wonderful because you feel wonderful and sometimes even magical. It’s a kaleidoscope of opposing sensations that sometimes surprises you.

You tell yourself that you can’t do everything and then you can do it and more. That makes you proud.

Motherhood and fatherhood are adventures and nobody thinks they are ready for it. But every day is a new day and every moment can be reflected in a happy child. In this little creature that grows up healthy, strong, happy, mischievous and beautiful.

Without fear of the future, I am much stronger

Living in the present

Fear of tomorrow? Not at all! Tomorrow now wears a dress of dreams; it is the color of hope and functions with courage. 

You are a much stronger person. You have found that with the birth of your child, there are no more fears or insecurities within you.

Determination has taken its place. The only thing left to do is to give your child the best possible future. The certainty with which you stand up every day as a person who aims to give your family the best you can.

You are no longer afraid of the future, because you are now living intensely in the moment. You know what life feels like in the present.

Fear has no place in corners where there is light, energy and life force. There are no dark trenches in your life. Now you are creating your own hope and motivating your child. 

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