How You Can Prevent The “Spoiled Child Syndrome”

From a psychological point of view, parents can subconsciously encourage and develop a whole range of harmful behaviors in their children.
How you can prevent "Spoiled Child Syndrome"

The so-called “ Spoiled Child Syndrome ” means something like “spoiled child syndrome” in German.

It’s a term that was coined in 1989. Many parents are unaware that they are responsible for this phenomenon.

From a psychological point of view, parents can encourage and develop a wide variety of harmful behaviors in their children. Fortunately, however, these undesirable behaviors can be corrected if properly recognized.

What exactly is Spoiled Child Syndrome ?

The syndrome can have many causes. Today, however, we are going to focus on one aspect, and that is too many material gifts that children often receive. 

In general, these are unnecessary gifts because most children already have everything (and more!) They need to develop and grow.

The influence of advertising

As special dates like birthdays, Christmas, and other celebrations approach, the spoiled child syndrome becomes more evident.

Advertising is becoming more intense and more frequent. Children are bombarded with advertisements about  toys, games and gadgets.  This leads to the fact that children think very materialistically. 

When children see all of these advertisements, they can believe that their happiness depends on getting everything they are shown.

You see the latest things that look engaging and useful or fun. It is therefore quite normal for them to think they must have them.

By giving too many gifts to children, we are not promoting positive values. On the contrary: We are showing that the material thing is most important. 

As a result, our children get used to owning everything and not appreciating what they already have.

As soon as they finally get what they wanted, they often forget about it shortly afterwards. Why is that? Because they have already thought about what they want next.

Spoiled Child Syndrome

Spoiled Child Syndrome: Signs

Some signs that may be seen in children with a pampering upbringing include:     

  • Selfishness     
  • Lack of empathy    
  • Lack of imagination     
  • Excessive materialism and consumption     
  • Irritability and low tolerance for frustration     
  • Chronic dissatisfaction and contempt for what they already have    
  • The constant desire for something new: toys, electronic devices or food
  • In more severe cases, children can develop compulsive messie syndrome, along with numerous other disorders.

Preventive measures against Spoiled Child Syndrome

To prevent this spoiled child syndrome from developing, we need to start with the basics.

We need to control how many material gifts we give to our children. At the same time, we need to invest time playing with them and teaching them to appreciate non-material things.

We need to create an environment where love is most important. Of course, it’s also up to us to lead by example and create such an environment at home.

There is no point in simply telling children not to pay so much attention to material things when we, as parents or guardians, are doing so ourselves.

It’s true that children need to play and have fun, but their free time shouldn’t be limited to toys or gadgets. You can paint, do handicrafts, use your imagination and play with friends or relatives your age.

Spoiled Child Syndrome

A few recommendations at the end

Not only do we need to spend time with our children, but we also need to show them that material things are not everything. While some of them are necessary, no material object should be the focus of our lives.

Of course, this has to be taught with words and actions at different times and also in very subtle ways. That way we can get the right message across.

Another option is to show children that there are many children in the world who are happy with less (or are even happier ).

You shouldn’t manipulate your children with it, but rather draw their attention to other realities in order to recognize contrasts and differences. 

This allows your children to learn a lot from others. Know that you don’t need material possessions to have fun.

Of course, children should also know that material costs cost and that this must be earned through hard work. You have to learn that you can’t always have everything you want. 

For kids, if the opportunity exists, a fun or knowledge-based outing is far better than a long list of toys. Also an educational one Vacation is recommended whenever possible. 

In the long run, experiences with other people will satisfy children more  and help them advance in life. These experiences will enrich them much more than material things.

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