The Benefits Of Taekwondo For Children!

In today’s article we want to talk about the many benefits of Taekwondo for kids! Taekwondo has a positive effect on children in terms of social, physical and psychological aspects. This sport requires discipline. It conveys basic values ​​and at the same time offers many advantages. 
The benefits of Taekwondo for kids!

Many people think that Taekwondo is a sport full of violence. But Taekwondo does not involve aggression. Taekwondo for kids doesn’t even require a lot of physical strength to practice.

Like other sports, this Korean martial art promotes a variety of physical skills.

Taekwondo is very technical. This helps children learn to control their bodies better. In addition, the Korean philosophy is behind this sport. This means that Taekwondo has real social value.

What is Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is a thousand years old martial art and originated in Korea. Taekwondo  stands for a variety of techniques. The whole body is challenged. Both hands and feet, elbows, fists and even the knees are  used .  In addition, self-defense is an essential part.

Taekwondo is based on 5 principles: decency, integrity, perseverance, self-control and an indomitable spirit.

It is one of the most famous martial arts. It is estimated that over 30 million people practice Taekwondo in more than 144 countries.

It is now also an Olympic discipline. In 1998 in Seoul it was still a show sport, but in  2000 Taekwondo became Olympic for the first time in Sydney.

Taekwondo for children – you need this equipment

For this sport you need a Dobok. This is the name of the suit you wear. It consists of trousers and a jacket, the  jacket being like the kimono in other martial arts. A belt is also part of the equipment. This is called the Ti and indicates the level of the fighter.

Taekwondo for children

Padded gloves and shoes are usually required in combat. In addition, it is usually mandatory to wear additional protective elements. This is especially true for teeth and tongue.

In addition, a helmet and a protective breastplate can be worn. Shin and arm guards are also an option. The scope of equipment also depends on the level of the fighter.

The benefits of Taekwondo for kids

Taekwondo has many physical benefits. But also values  are elementary components of sport. What Taekwondo also conveys is the control of one’s own temperament. 

This sport can be much more than just leisure. It can become a lifestyle. So it is  an instrument for a life in balance. This applies to the body on the one hand and to the mind on the other. The importance of the latter should not be underestimated. 

Taekwondo strives for self-realization with all of the senses. Taekwondo can help children in particular  to get through difficult times better. You learn to adopt personal values ​​and healthy habits. In doing so, they learn something that they can fall back on for their entire life.

Physical benefits

  • Taekwondo strengthens both the muscles and the cardiovascular system. This helps to significantly more stamina.
  • It increases body tension, flexibility and flexibility.
  • It also   improves coordination and a sense of balance.
  • Taekwondo helps to gain control and knowledge about one’s own body. This is done using simple movements, but on a high technical level. In this way, children are also prepared for difficult tasks in the future.

Psychological and social aspects

Taekwondo also forms the character. It helps tame him. Children with an enormous amount of energy in particular develop a greater awareness of their body and the environment.

On the other hand, shy and introverted children are encouraged. You gain more self-confidence and strengthen your self-esteem. Through Taekwondo, they learn to take the initiative. You become proactive.

  • It promotes concentration and discipline.
  • Mastering one’s own body helps to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition, children learn to interact more effectively with their environment.
  • Taekwondo conveys important values ​​such as honesty, loyalty, camaraderie, teamwork, respect and humility.
  • Cultural learning is also promoted through Taekwondo, because customs, traditions and ways of thinking are discussed. The main thing is to get to know perspectives that are different from your own. Thus tolerance and solidarity are conveyed.

    Taekwondo for children

    Taekwondo for children – some tips

    Yes, this sport was once intended for combat. But he is by no means aggressive. Taekwondo is based on defense, not attack. It is important to distinguish between them.

    This sport wants to bring a peaceful coexistence and tolerance close. It is also ideal for children who have a lot of energy and need to release it. Taekwondo is therefore particularly recommended for children with ADHD.

    At the age of 4 you can get into this sport well.  Basically, it’s better to start younger. The reason for this is that Taekwondo is very technical and rather “slow”.

    Change doesn’t happen overnight. This requires effort, perseverance and discipline. You have to master the basics first and then you can improve them.

    This is another reason why  parents’ help is important. It is they who remind their children of values, responsibilities and tasks. And even if children get stuck, parents should be there and support them.

    The most important thing is that the child is happy. It should be able to put its joy and effort into every day of practice. This applies to Taekwondo as well as to any other sport.

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