How To Save Your Child’s Life When They Suddenly Stop Breathing!

In this blog article we tell you what you can do if the worst comes to the worst.
How to save your child's life when they suddenly stop breathing!

This should never happen, but if it does, then we want you to know exactly  how to save your child’s life if they suddenly stop breathing!

First of all, the most important thing is to grasp the situation quickly and to remain calm. There can be a number of different reasons why a baby or child may suddenly stop breathing. It is therefore important to know what situation your child is in in order to act accordingly. Because in order to know how to save your child’s life, you have to know what exactly led to the emergency.

Reasons why children suddenly stop breathing and how you can save your child’s life

You have swallowed something and are threatened to choke on it

How to save your child's life when they suddenly stop breathing!

If swallowed, the upper or middle airway is blocked. This usually happens when the child is eating and not chewing properly before swallowing. 

Pieces of food that are too large and that the child cannot (yet) chew properly cause the lock. This often includes large pieces of meat. It is therefore important to cut their food into small pieces or to feed them porridge and puree until they have learned to chew properly.

Even edibles with a doughy and sticky consistency, such as chewing gum or jelly beans, are not suitable for small children. Another cause is accidental swallowing of objects. Therefore, young children should always be supervised.


When a child drowns, it is no longer possible to breathe because the entrance to the airways is flooded with fluid. This type of suffocation is common in the summer when families are around the pool or on the beach.

If no one supervises the child in the bathtub at home, that too can be dangerous. Even a few inches under water can be critical. 

That is why it is so important that someone always keeps an eye on the children. How you will save your child’s life is important to know, but never forget that you have to do everything you can to prevent this situation from arising in the first place.

lung infection

Pneumonia is the acute inflammation of the lungs. It is often the result of a “badly treated” cold. Pneumonia starts with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and shows symptoms such as inflamed mucous membranes and fever.

But the inflammation travels deeper into the lower airways, where it causes breathing problems and faster breathing. However, this can be prevented with the right medical treatment.

The pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics and an inhaler to clear the airways. Together with good hydration, this will help weather the crisis. 


With bronchospasm, the cavity in the lungs is narrowed. Breathing difficulties occur as a result of the contraction of the bronchial muscles. In this case, it is best to go to the emergency room as your child may not get enough oxygen.


Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lower airways.

This happens when the bronchi inside the lungs become inflamed from an infection. The cause is usually a previous illness in the nose or throat, which then spreads or moves on.

In the case of bronchitis, antibiotics and inhalers are also prescribed to cure the infection and make breathing easier.

how to save your child's life


Mucus in the upper respiratory tract can often lead to a cough. Coughing is the body’s natural mechanism to reject it. 

In some cases, this mucus can get into the deeper airways. This can happen if the child is unable to cough it up, causing inflammation.

In very small babies, an excessively large build-up of mucus can cause choking, suffocation, and even respiratory failure.

To prevent this, nasal irrigation is recommended. They clean the airways and fight the phlegm.

How to save your child’s life when they are no longer breathing

Look for help as soon as we can.

The situation must be resolved immediately. 

We have two feasible options: either you call the emergency doctor or you drive there yourself immediately.

While help is on the way

The Heimlich maneuver

The Heimlich maneuver is a first aid measure to free the airway blocked by a small piece of food or an object.

It is a very effective way to save a life after someone has choked. The affected person should be placed face up on a hard surface. Then you place your hands on top of each other between her sternum and belly button and press firmly in the direction of the chest a few times.


Resuscitation is a measure used in an emergency to save a person’s life when they stop breathing and their heart stops beating. 

Resuscitation involves doing 120 compressions per minute. It consists of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage. This procedure should be carried out until the heart and breathing function are restored. This happens either normally or through artificial resuscitation.

It’s also a measure you take to save your child’s life. To do this, place the baby on your forearm, face down. Then you give him 5 blows on the back. Never forget that in a situation like this, every minute really counts. Try to get professional help as soon as possible.

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