Teasing: This Is How You Teach Your Child To Deal With It

When children are victims of teasing, they are often overwhelmed by it. We should teach them how best to cope with this.
Teasing: This is how you teach your child how to deal with it

Children can be wonderful, but they can also be very cruel at times. Much of this is not their own fault: some have bad role models at home who are very harmful to them. But  Children who become victims of this behavior are often overwhelmed by it. Sometimes we have no choice but to teach our children how to cope with such teasing.

First and foremost, we should note that no child is inherently evil. Many only use teasing as a type Defense mechanism because they mistakenly believe that this is how they react to others or because they mimic their parents’ behavior.

Some parents take their own frustration and low self-esteem out on their children. Others are just used to this type of negative attitude and subconsciously support it.

As parents, we often wish we could confront these teasing children. It makes us angry and insecure when we see our children suffering.

These emotions can only be understood by those who have children themselves who are being teased. But meddling is not necessarily the best way to go. Each child should learn how to cope with such situations on their own.

How can I help my child deal with teasing?

Listen to them

First, listen to what your child has to say. It could be an argument, or even just a harmless game with another child.

Analyze the situation and ask the teachers if necessary. It is important to first research properly before acting. Encourage your child to tell you what is happening in class and show them that they can be completely honest with you at all times.

Don’t humiliate them

Many parents humiliate their children in an attempt to make them braver. They believe that calling them cowards or crybugs would make their children strong.

But that’s not how it is at all. Children don’t respond to teasing the way adults might. So we must show them compassion.

Dealing with teasing

Teach them to ignore the teasing

In such situations, it is a good practice to ignore the teasing children altogether. Most of the time, children get bored when their malicious jokes don’t work. If so, they may stop bothering your child and even act themselves like nothing happened.

Be smart and astute

The mind can do one be a very powerful weapon. Teach your child to be quick and easy on teasing to react ironically. You will soon notice a change.

Note, however, that this does not mean making fun of the other child, because that would lower the child to the same level.

Your child should also never react to the teasing with violence or insults. Your child should react in such a way that the bully realizes that his comments cannot harm him.

Encourage your child to team up with others

Friendships are a very good way to prevent a child from isolating themselves in the face of such incidents. It will feel protected and valued thanks to its friends.

The teasing child will either stop teasing your child or lose interest in it because your child won’t seem to care.

In addition, several children can be in the same situation. In this case it will be useful because it can lead to a greater mutual understanding.

Dealing with teasing

Look out for the warning signs

Maybe something we think is nonsense is more serious. There are situations when simple teasing can turn into serious bullying.

In this case, you should first speak to teachers and other responsible persons and report your suspicions to them. Should the situation then worsen, it must be officially reported.

What can I do if my child makes fun of others?

When our child mocks others, we need to seriously question why they are doing so. We shouldn’t make a dramatic riot, but listen to him and find out what his motivations are.

It could also be a victim of teasing itself and need help, or it imitates us and certain toxic behaviors. In this case, the child does not have to change their behavior … we also have to question our attitudes and change them fundamentally.

It is important to explain to children that it is wrong to make fun of others. With this they hurt a lot of people and no one will want to be their friend if they keep doing this.

If you are kind to others, then – most likely – others will be kind to you too. And of course we have to emphasize that it always makes us much happier to help others than to harm them.

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