Smart Babies: Nutrition During Pregnancy

Which foods promote the development of the little belly-dweller during pregnancy? Which foods favor smart babies?
Smart Babies: Nutrition During Pregnancy

Intelligence is a complex concept that is difficult to define. Still, we all understand what is meant by that. Can Proper Nutrition During Pregnancy  Promote Smart Babies  ?

Learn more about this topic in today’s post.

Smart babies through proper nutrition during pregnancy

A study was published in the science journal  The Lancet  that looked at how certain foods can promote the development of a child’s brain during pregnancy.

Eating fish and shellfish while pregnant has been shown to be beneficial in this regard.

The results of this research contradict other studies that were carried out in the USA in 2004. Previous studies have recommended limiting these types of foods during pregnancy.

This is due to residues of mercury in fish, which can pose a health risk for mother and child.

However, the authors of the aforementioned study assume that “the harmful effects of these substances do not outweigh the benefits of the nutrients in fish and shellfish.”

The authors also note: “Sardines are an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. you are therefore ideal for the development of the child’s brain, nervous system and memory. ”

According to the researchers, “the levels of fatty acids appear to be critical to the early development of a baby’s brain,” and the lack of these fatty acids can have serious consequences.

That is why they recommend consumption during pregnancy.

Heart in front of the stomach

Smart Babies: Essential Foods During Pregnancy 

Egg yolks contain choline, a precursor to acetylcholine.  It is a neurotransmitter that is involved in many functions, such as memory and muscle control. Choline is also important for the membrane that surrounds the nerves.

One egg a day is not only healthy for the baby. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight. In addition, it provides you with vitamin D and is also helpful in preventing breast cancer.

Beets are high in nitrates, which improve blood flow in the child’s brain. For example, you can include beets in your diet in juices or salads. You can also use it to prevent constipation!

White beans are a good source of slow-digesting carbohydrates. They contain proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Not only are they low in fat, they’re also great for the baby in the womb and promote memory development.

Meat can be consumed without restrictions. Chicken liver and beef are high in iron, which is great for baby development.

Fruits also provide important nutrients.  A group of Canadian doctors has shown that eating fruit during pregnancy can improve babies’ memory.

Fruits in pregnancy

Fruits, vegetables and seeds: a smart choice

Fruit during pregnancy promotes the child’s cognitive performance. Studies have shown this to be true even a year after birth.

Seeds and nuts contain selenium and vitamin E. They also provide important fatty acids. All of these vital substances are of great importance for the development of the brain. Eat a small handful of seeds and nuts every day.

However, do not forget that the development of intelligence depends on many factors. In addition to eating, it is important that you stimulate your baby’s senses while still in the womb.

Talk to your child and let them listen to music. This is also important for smart babies! Your little belly-dweller will benefit from this for a lifetime.

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