Shy Child, How Do I Know?

Introverted children are seen as children lost in their own world. Children who like to be alone and consciously choose to be alone, but not because of insecurities or a lack of social skills.
Shy child, how do I know?

Do you want to know if you have a shy child ? Then you need to know first how to tell the difference between an introverted person and someone who is struggling to socialize.

Introverted children are seen as children lost in their own world. Children who like to be alone and consciously choose to be alone, but not because of insecurities or a lack of social skills.

There are two main factors in shy personalities, one of which is that one of the child’s parents is shy and the child is imitating their parent’s behavior. The second is the exact opposite: parents who are very social and at the same time overprotective.

According to the latest psychological theories, these two driving factors are the main causes of a shy child .

The ideal solution to this is to help the child develop other areas of their life and learn to express themselves in their own way.

These children should develop without pressure. Parents should avoid being overly cautious, which is known to be one of the causes of shyness.

shy child

Being an introvert is not a crime

Society has sold it as a role model for extroverts to be successful. The shy ones, no matter how talented, need to work on themselves first in order to interact more with the world.

But being an introvert isn’t necessarily a negative. There are enough examples, e.g. Albert Einstein, Jk Rowling and Dr. Seuss, to name a few. Although they showed little social skills, they excelled in other areas such as innovation, creativity and sensitivity. Their work undoubtedly changed the world.

Introverts enjoy the silence. They are analytical, smart, and very focused on the things they like. That is why they prefer quiet rooms. Being alone allows them to focus, unlike extroverts who tend to think out loud and love to be in a social setting.

As we can see there are two different personalities and both are very different. If a child stops moving in any form for fear of social interaction, then they are considered a shy child.

If he cries a lot in situations where it is not strictly necessary and if he isolates himself regularly – these are all symptoms of social anxiety that should be assessed by a specialist.

There are also cases when children manifest social phobias in a weakened and persistent manner very early on. This is a situation where psychotherapy can be used and most importantly, basic school support is necessary.

shy child

Some parents help their child become a shy child

Sometimes parents inadvertently contribute to their children’s shyness, according to a report in Today’s Parent, a Canadian magazine that specializes in family and child health.

In the report there is an interesting statement by the renowned American author and professor Michael Reist: “When parents or other adults try to correct a child’s shyness, it makes no sense in children, we have to show the children that it is okay not to behave like others. “

Parents should also know that overprotection is a major cause of child anxiety.  Overprotection can lead to insecurities and low self-esteem, which can make a child shy.

A study recently published by the New York Times, based on surveys of more than 100,000 University of Pennsylvania students, confirms that anxiety is a very common student health problem. The study also found that 1 in 6 students had depression, stress, or anxiety.

The report also confirms that one of the main reasons for these problems was over-protection of the parents.

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