How To Calm A Crying Baby

If your baby has been fed, has slept, is not sick and still does not stop crying, then we have a few tips for you.
How to calm a crying baby

You can soothe a crying baby with our recommendations .

For a first-time mom, having a crying baby can be quite a challenge. Newborns cannot express what they feel or need, let alone put it into words.

You may think you’ve tried everything. Babies can cry because their diaper is full, because they are too hot, because they have colic, are hungry or tired.

For a mother, having a baby who cries incessantly can be very frustrating. It causes stress and worries. If you really think you’ve tried everything, here are a few more recommendations to calm your baby down and dry his tears.

However, if this behavior occurs repeatedly, be sure to discuss it with your pediatrician.

Soothing a crying baby – tips

soothe crying baby

Newborn babies are more predictable in their behavior than it seems. Their needs are often related to how they grew in the womb before birth. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help establish this framework in the outer world as well.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to help calm your crying baby.

  • Keep calm and calm. Whether or not there is an immediate reason for your baby to cry, this is key.
  • Comfort your child to try to reduce the irritation.
  • Hold your baby gently but firmly against your chest. That’ll keep it warm in case it’s cold. It also makes them feel safe and cared for.
  • Use a blanket to swaddle. Newborns need an environment and temperatures similar to those in the mother’s womb. This helps them to feel as comfortable and cozy as they were before the birth.
  • Have them suck their thumb or give them a pacifier. Even if your baby is not hungry, suckling stabilizes his heartbeat and calms his nerves.
  • Give him a gentle massage. Constant physical contact has a soothing effect, and a relaxing massage should calm your baby down. A good technique is when you use gentle, slow, circular motions. Give extra care to areas like your back, stomach, arms and legs. If your baby has colic, focus primarily on the tummy.
  • In the womb, babies get used to the sound of their mother’s heartbeat. This is one of the reasons they love being held to the chest. You can play soft background music for a calming effect. 
  • Walking around with the baby in your arms is an excellent idea. The slight movements of your body will also calm it down.
  • Another trick that makes use of movement is pushing it in a stroller, for example when taking a walk.
  • A walk in the fresh air is good for both of you: Sun and a breeze around your nose, as well as a change of scenery can work wonders for a crying baby.

How to deal with a crying baby

It can be incredibly stressful for you when your baby is crying and you don’t know why. But keep in mind that your child perceives how you feel. So try not to lose your nerve or be impatient; That can be counterproductive.

Fatigue can affect your emotional state. You will be able to cope better with this situation after you have had a few hours of sleep.

Help from your partner and family will take some of the stress away.

Soothe your crying baby – you don’t have to do it alone

soothe crying baby

What if you’ve tried everything and your baby still won’t stop crying? If you feel more and more stressed and frustrated, put your baby in the crib. Make them cry a little and give yourself a moment to come back down too.

  • Call a close friend or family member who can help.
  • Watch TV or play music to ease your stress. 
  • Use breathing techniques: taking a few deep breaths will help.

Realize that crying doesn’t hurt your baby. Sometimes it can even help strengthen his lungs. Crying from time to time relieves tension and lets you sleep more deeply after all the exertions.

So, when you’ve done everything in your power, just give your baby time to calm down.

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