Clever Games For Clever Children

Even during the holiday season, it is advisable to encourage the intellectual development of your children. So here are some clever games that the little ones will definitely enjoy. And at the same time also challenge them spiritually!
Clever games for clever children

The best thing is always to learn while playing! And this motto should also be in the foreground when employing the youngest in the family during the holiday season. Of course, the little ones have earned their rest from the often exhausting school days. And these breaks are necessary for them too. But it is also very important that the child’s mind keep moving. That’s why we’re introducing you to clever games for clever children!

Of course, this is not about doing any monotonous exercises in the usual summer booklet. Rather, the focus is on playing as a means of learning. In the following we introduce you to some clever games . They are all easy to make yourself. The mind of the little ones is trained in a playful way. All you need is sheets of paper or cardboard boxes, colored pencils and a lot of imagination.

Clever games for clever children

1. The game memory

Memory is a true classic. And it’s very easy! At the same time, children actually find this game consistently great. And you can add the fun of doing handicrafts to the fun of playing: Because the little ones usually do it with great joy. So you can choose the pairs that will appear in the game.

To make a memory game yourself, all you need is the following:

  • The pictures of the couples who are supposed to be in the game.
  • One large box or several small ones. All with the same shape and color.

Family play together at the table

Now you glue the selected pictures together on the box. Of course, these should all be the same size. Then cut out these glued pictures. This way you get cards of the same size. Then turn them all over with the picture facing down and shuffle them. Because then you no longer know which picture card is where. The game itself consists of turning over two cards at a time to find matching pairs. In order to find the right cards in the course of the game, the children have to memorize the respective positions of the pictures.

It’s a great and really clever game. While playing, the children subconsciously train not only to look closely, but also to train their memory. In addition, you can create different variants of the game together with the little ones and thus ensure even more entertainment and fun for the children.

2. Clever games: letter bingo

This is a variation on the famous number bingo game. Letter bingo is ideal to play with those children who learned the alphabet in the previous school year. Because this way you can repeat the letters in a very playful way.

This is also an example of clever games that you can make yourself. Because you can make the bingo cards very easily by using different colors for the letters: the child unconsciously goes through the alphabet again while coloring the letters.

When playing, you can determine when the winner will be determined: This can be the case when one of the children has marked a complete line. Or even when the entire bingo sheet has been filled out.

3. Also very popular: puzzles

There are many clever games. But the puzzles are definitely one of the classics among games that stimulate the mind and memory. You can also make these yourself in a very simple and quick way from sheets or cardboard.

Children practice logical thinking with this type of game . Puzzles are also ideal for developing other skills : for example, eye-hand coordination or fine motor skills.

A very original variant is the following: You can also create puzzles with Lego blocks. All you need is a few blocks and a box. On this you draw the outlines of the Lego blocks with a felt pen.

Then cut out the cardboard according to the drawn lines. Now you mix all the pieces. The child can then assign the respective pieces of cardboard to the appropriate Lego blocks.

More clever games that kids will enjoy

4. Find differences

Painting is one of the favorite activities of children. So you will surely like this game very much. Because this is about discovering the differences in two almost identical drawings. Then the little ones can color in these pictures.

This game is ideal for children who have difficulty concentrating. Because it also contributes to the development of visual skills such as visual acuity. On the one hand, you can find many different templates of this game on the Internet. But of course you can also make your own pictures for your child.

5. Do a treasure hunt

Children love treasure hunts and the adventures that go with them! And it’s a very simple game that you can make yourself too. These types of games are ideal for developing logical reasoning skills. Because the children find various clues that they need to relate to each other.

In addition , this game also helps to improve visual perception, concentration and attention. Because details are often decisive in a treasure hunt. In addition, there is the possibility that the various instructions or stations with tasks also contain small mathematical exercises or puzzles and the like. In this way, the children can develop many other skills through play.

6. Clever games that kids love too: puzzles

You don’t need anything at all for these types of games. Just your imagination! Because the words and the melody with which the puzzles are performed are enough to arouse the attention and interest of the little ones. They like to deal with puzzles and with full concentration.

This also promotes the association of ideas and the development of concepts. In addition, the children develop their imaginations and playfully train their minds and thinking.

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