Sibling Quarrel: Is That Normal?

Quarreling between little siblings is quite normal for many. There are various reasons for this: envy, jealousy, toys … The parents have the important task of settling the dispute! 
Sibling quarrel: is that normal?

When it comes to raising children, it is very important for parents to share experiences with others in order not to despair. Sibling quarrels are  the order of the day and are not always easy to deal with.

In today’s article you will therefore find various tips to prevent your little angels from arguing all the time.

Young children are narcissistic and are usually reluctant to share space, attention, and toys. Current educational models advise respecting the times and learning processes of the children. 

I play, argue and play …

Sibling quarrels  are quite normal as long as they are kept within limits. In most cases, there will be arguments while playing. After that, the siblings can continue playing normally and without resentment. A positive solution is desirable.

However, if there is constant aggression, professional help is advisable. If one of the siblings continually torments and treats the other unfairly, it may be beyond a normal sibling argument.

For example, disorders such as autism can trigger exaggerated reactions to others. So if the behavior continues to go beyond the scope, you should seek help from an expert.

Parents who take good care of their children can, for example, achieve with the help of a therapist, even with autism, to keep the  quarrels within normal limits. 

Sibling quarrels are quite normal

Is sibling quarrel normal?

It is normal when calm returns after a sibling quarrel and the children are reconciled. However, sometimes parents prevent a good relationship between their children by interfering wrongly. 

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Disputes between siblings can go through different phases. First it’s about a toy, then about the bike, about a video game or even about the rivalry within a circle of friends.
It is possible that one of the children creates more conflicts than the other. In this situation, one of the most common mistakes made by parents going to a psychologist, because their children are constantly arguing, is  to label one of the  children.

Some make the grave mistake of labeling the child as “bad” or “abnormal” and blame them for the arguments. For a child, feeling angry can be devastating. 

It is therefore essential to talk to the children and set boundaries so that the situation does not get out of hand. It is about teaching values ​​such as respect in education and promoting awareness. 

Reasons for sibling quarrels and what you can do about them

It is very important to find out the reason for the argument: the children’s reasons should not be dismissed as unimportant. In addition, obvious triggers often hide fears and insecurities that children are not yet able to express properly. 

Parents must therefore observe and listen carefully. In this way they can discover what is repeated over and over again in every argument.

If you are wondering why your children are constantly arguing without observing the situation, you cannot find the right solution to it. For a child, for example, it is important to protect their toys from possible damage. You need to try to get to the bottom of the cause of the argument and understand your children.

playing children

It is also important for children to bond with their parents. Therefore, the intervention of the father or mother must always be understanding and empathic.

Conversations, explanations and loving treatment should come first in every family and serve as a role model.

If the parents are too absent because of limited time or for other reasons,  the children may express their loneliness through arguments. 

They need quality time with their parents and also with their siblings.

Finally, we would like to emphasize once again that the role of adults should be exemplary. Dialogue and understanding are fundamental. In addition to learning to share, children need to learn to listen, keep calm, and forgive those they love.

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