Rewards And Punishments For School Grades

If you are considering giving rewards and punishments for school grades, this article is for you.
Rewards and punishments for school grades

The effectiveness of rewards and punishments for school grades  is a recurring debate among parents. Both tactics give the child different motivations.

These are not always effective. In this article, we analyze whether school grade rewards and punishments are a good thing or not.

In general, it is easier to change a person’s behavior if you reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. This system is in contrast to the general meaning of learning.

Therefore, the goal may be to get good grades just to get a reward, not to learn new things.

Everything is then just accepted and memorized. Thinking for yourself and finding your own solutions is no longer required with this method.

Rewards and punishments are given as an incentive for good grades. On the one hand, rewards are a positive way to achieve good behavior. In contrast, there are punishments. If a pre-agreed goal is not achieved, there is a penalty. 

If a child brings home bad grades, there are consequences. For example, they may spend less time outside or have to study during the summer vacation.

Good grades rewards

Many parents want their child to stay motivated. Therefore  , they use rewards to encourage the child to get good grades. These rewards can be small gifts or even more free time.

In most cases , everyone involved needs to agree on the reward. With the help of these rewards, the child is encouraged to achieve certain goals.

Punishments for school grades - Punishment_for_school grades-2

While it is true that rewards make students more motivated to get good grades, there is a risk that these rewards will become the only reason to motivate them.

Therefore, you should make sure that the motivational aids you choose are not too exaggerated. Also try to make your child understand that the real reward is the knowledge gained.

It is better, for example, to allow your child to do something they are otherwise not allowed to do or to give them a little more time for something than to give them something material.

Punishments for school grades

Parents apply penalties if their child does not follow the established rules. Parents set rules at the beginning of the school year. They also set the punishments for non-compliance.

Punishments or consequences usually include depriving something that brings joy to the child. Your goal should be that these bad habits are not repeated.

Punishments for school grades - punishments for school grades

Fear of punishment helps children follow clearly established rules. Mentioning these punishments immediately awakens the correct behavior in them.

In some cases, however,  this fear of punishment can also result in  children only learning enough to adhere to the rules. You are neglecting your full potential.

Penalties should therefore be appropriate for all ages and be realistic. Make sure that your child does not lose the fun of school and if the goals are not met, try to find the cause.

School grade rewards and punishments should stop when the child learns how to study properly. It is not easy, and it does not happen overnight.

Ideally, the necessary rewards and punishments decrease as the child gets older.

Our advice is to always talk to your child. Explain why you use rewards and punishments. Ultimately, learning is the most valuable thing you can teach your child.

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