Saline Solution Works Wonders For Colds!

Saline solution for colds is very effective because saline solution is a mixture of ingredients that are all compatible with the human organism. 
Saline solution for colds works wonders!

It is used for various medical purposes: to dilute injections to apply other substances or to replace blood to close wounds. In addition, the simple remedy saline solution helps with colds.

There is another common type of application. It’s a magical solution (in the truest sense of the word): of course, we mean using the saline solution on children when they have a cold and their nose is blocked.

If you are already using physiological saline solution for a common cold in your child, then congratulations! If you haven’t tried this substance yet, below will show you how helpful it is to clear nasal congestion.

We will also delve into the subject with a series of questions and answers. 

Does saline solution pose a risk to my child?

No, saline solution consists for the most part of water and many other substances that, as I said, are harmless to the human body.

Nobody is allergic to saline solution. She also doesn’t respond to many other drugs.

How do I use saline solution if my child has a blocked nose?

Pediatricians recommend  1/4 pipette, 3 times a day for each nostril. If you find that your child cannot breathe properly because the constipation is so severe, you can increase the frequency to 5 times a day.

We recommend consulting your pediatrician before use.

Saline solution for colds

The technique for applying the solution is simple. Place your baby in your lap face up and hold his head. Using the dropper, drip 1/4 of the amount into one nostril. Repeat on the other side.

You will notice that the discharge comes out, making it easier for your child to breathe.

Where can I buy saline solution?

If you can’t leave the house and need saline solution, you can make it at home.

The formula is simple:

Bring a quart of water to a boil. Then you add 9 grams of sodium chloride (common household salt). Let it cook for a few more seconds. 

Then you take the pot off the stove and let it cool down. Fill the solution into a previously sterilized bottle and let it stand until the liquid has reached room temperature.

Once room temperature is reached, you can use it on your baby as needed.

However, it is always recommended to use saline solution from pharmacies because it was made in the laboratory and is therefore sterile.

Why should you use saline solution instead of nasal spray for colds?

Saline solution for colds

Water is always effective in removing toxins. Saline solution is mostly water and with it there is no risk of the discharge getting thicker.

Keep in mind that moistened nostrils are less clogged. Proper use of saline solution for colds can help the body get rid of bacteria when a child has the flu. 

It can also eliminate viruses and other allergenic substances that lodge in the nasal cavities.

Saline solution for a cold works wonders!

As you’ve seen, saline solution can be a great tool to fight the common cold.

Common colds shouldn’t be treated with antibiotics, antihistamines, or other drugs. You risk that the mucus becomes even more viscous and that it may take longer to leave the body.

If the child has a fever and there is no other cause, then the fever should be lowered with medication prescribed by the pediatrician. Adjust the dosage to the weight of your child and carefully follow the instructions for use.

You can also put cold towels on your forehead to lower the temperature.

cold is treated with water, even if it seems strange. Use fluids, patience, and saline solution.

If you want, you can also offer your child fruits that are rich in vitamin C. You strengthen his immune system.

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