Your 13th Week Of Pregnancy

With the start of the new trimester, a new phase in life begins for the little treasure in your stomach.
Your 13th week of pregnancy

In the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is about 6.5-10 cm tall and weighs 13-20 grams. During this time, his body undergoes many changes and his face is now showing the first unmistakable features – how exciting!

In addition to the recognizable facial features, there is also another fascinating detail: the fingerprints have developed!

The brain is one of the most developed parts of the body at this point. But it also includes the structures that cover and protect the internal organs.

The child’s head now makes up half the total height. But soon the rest of the body begins to grow. Bit by bit, the “normal” proportions of the body are formed. At birth, the head will only make up a quarter of the total height. But there are some other processes that are starting now that are very important to the baby’s body and how it works.

First of all there is the production of red blood cells. These are responsible for transporting oxygen in the body and forwarding it to other areas of the body. In this phase of life, these blood cells are mainly produced in the liver. In adults and children, on the other hand, production takes place in the bone marrow.

In the 13th week of pregnancy , the embryo already has an immune system. This now begins to protect the body of the embryo from foreign organisms. Of course, the immune system is still very weak at this time and is nowhere near as mature as the immune system of a fully developed baby. Defense must first develop and learn how to spot enemies.

In this regard, there are a few processes that are very important for the fetus:

On the one hand, the mother’s antibodies ensure that the child is protected from infections.

And on the other hand, the liver produces bile, the pancreas produces insulin and the kidneys produce urine to avoid wasting waste in the amniotic fluid.

What happens to your body in the 13th week of pregnancy

What happens to your body in the 13th week of pregnancy?

Similar to the 12th week, the mother feels an improvement in some symptoms in the 13th week of pregnancy.

Some women also call the second trimester “the pregnancy honeymoon” because this phase is often much more relaxed for many pregnant women.

Changes you may notice:

  • Nausea, tiredness, general sluggishness and regular dizziness are now almost a thing of the past. From time to time these symptoms can still occur, but by and large women have more energy and fewer sleep problems from now on.
  • The uterus is now much larger.
  • According to experts, the muscle function of some organs (stomach, bladder and intestines) slows down during pregnancy. Therefore, it is possible for women to experience cramps and mild pain during this time.
  • For exactly the same reason, bowel movements slow down during pregnancy. Flatulence, constipation, and a feeling of heaviness can occur as a result of slowed digestion.
  • Since the mucous membranes in the nose produce more mucus during this time, pregnant women may need to blow their noses more often.

    The medical check-up

    The medical check-up

    The check-up, which is usually done at the end of the first trimester, can still be done in the 13th week of pregnancy.

    It is the final exam in a series of exams that are part of the first trimester of pregnancy.

    The examinations for the first trimester are finally concluded with this examination.

    For many (especially young) mothers, one of the most stressful parts of pregnancy is now over.

    From now on there are only a few preventive examinations – at least for the time being.

    During the monthly check-ups, the child’s development is monitored and the mother’s health is checked.

    This is how you can make it through the 13th week of pregnancy

    First and foremost, it is important that you find clothes that you can wear while you are pregnant. Your pants will probably no longer fit you during the course of your pregnancy.

    Clothing that is too tight should be avoided at all costs, as well as tight shoes and heavy jewelry.

    These things can have a negative impact on your general mood and well-being, although this suggestion may seem a little strange at first.

    As the nausea and tiredness subside, you can now enjoy your newfound energy to the full!

    Enjoy the time that you can now spend again in an intimate way with your partner.

    Enjoy life to the full, because you can now proudly show your belly!

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