Mother’s Love Can Move Mountains

Often we are roused by fate when things don’t go the way we’d like them to. When a child is born prematurely or has health problems, the infinite motherly love will show that nothing is impossible when the heart is willing to fight.
Mother's love can move mountains

Mother’s love is the most intense, honest, and purest feeling a woman can experiment. It turns into the best medicine for soul pain, gives comfort and works miracles of life. She is able  to move mountains  !

From the moment life develops in a woman, a strong bond arises that is shaped  by illusions, hope and dreams. Mothers are able to strengthen and nourish this love and to give it unthinkable size and strength.

Some pregnant women give everything they have to their little belly-dweller. They fight every day to bring about a pregnancy that science has called complicated or almost impossible. Mother’s love can  move mountains  and bear wonderful fruits.

Often we are roused by fate when things don’t go the way we’d like them to. When a child is born prematurely or has health problems, the infinite motherly love will show that nothing is impossible  when the heart is willing to fight.

Mother’s love can move mountains!

Some mothers spend long months in the hospital, relying on the strength and courage of their children  to defy the medical diagnosis. 

Strong mothers take their young children to a speech therapist, psychologist or other therapist, to football, ballet or various activities to help them. They would do anything to give their child a future. 

Mothers can move mountains

Even when others see no more opportunities, they continue to fight. Some do anything to feed their children,  even if this is almost impossible for various reasons.

Others use all their strength to help their children with learning disabilities or other difficulties to take the first steps and to accompany them on their difficult path.

This is mother’s love:  Believe and trust, give everything for your child so that it has the opportunity to develop normally and happily. 

Some mothers endure daily worries and stress in order to meet their professional and personal responsibilities, while taking care of their children’s upbringing, nutrition and future. They have to earn their daily bread hard to give their children a path. 

Mother’s love can move mountains! It gives you strength to move on every day, to overcome obstacles that life puts in the way. It helps you find ways that don’t exist  to achieve what we all want: connectedness and fulfillment.

Mother’s love is eternal

It doesn’t matter how many years go by. A mother is always there to do anything for her child. 

She gives her child a handkerchief when he is first heartbroken, gives him peace of mind when he is worried and unsure, helps him through the time of major changes in adolescence … She is always ready to stand up for her child.

mother and daughter

As the years go by, a mother’s strength increases to guarantee the future of her child.  She tries to educate her offspring with values ​​and to give them useful knowledge for the future.

Their goal is to arouse interests in their children so that they can get a good education.

But motherly love goes much further. She cares for the families that her adult children will raise. She is always present and ready to help.

Even in this difficult phase of life in which her beloved children leave the house, she always has a smile ready.

Mother’s love develops new powers and abilities. The mother is understanding, indulgent and complicit: now she has become a grandma!

The mother, who was already able to move mountains, is now ready as a grandma to give her grandchildren wings. Her gray hair and wrinkled hands, her love that was able to give life and sow a future is now doubly strong.

She is now transforming into an angel who shapes the lives of her grandchildren and does everything possible for their well-being, just as she did with her children.

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