How Does Excessive Screen Time Affect Our Children?

If children sit in front of the screen for an excessive amount of time, it has a negative impact on their health. We therefore have to make sure that their screen time is reasonable and that they also help them learn to use digital media responsibly.
How does excessive screen time affect our children?

Today, even young children use cell phones, tablets or other electronic devices. However, we should be aware that excessive screen time can affect children’s cognitive and physical health. It is therefore very important that we pay close attention to how much time the children spend in front of the screen and agree some rules with them early on.

Screen time

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued guidelines on physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and sleep in 2019. It contains a number of recommendations for children’s screen time.

With regard to young children, the WHO has a very clear position on this. She does not recommend screen time at all for children under one year old. One to four year old children should spend a maximum of one hour per day in front of a screen.

Screen time - baby in front of the TV

In addition, the WHO recommends in this guide that parents should definitely check what content their children are consuming. If the children are watching TV, parents should choose good quality programs that the children can learn from. In addition, parents should look at these programs with the children and explain to them exactly what they are allowed to see and what they can learn from them.

Effects of Excessive Screen Time

If children use electronic devices too often, it will especially affect their physical health. A variety of physical problems can arise due to excessively long screen time.

More and more children today suffer from an acute lack of exercise. This is a very big problem because sitting more often increases the risk of obesity in children.

The WHO defines the “sedentary screen time” as the time we spend passively watching television, computer, mobile phone, etc. However, this definition explicitly excludes the time we spend playing screen games that require activity or movement.

In addition, experts identified other physical issues caused by excessive screen time. Below are some of the most common problems:

  • If your child has headaches and dry eyes, it could be because they have been looking at a screen for too long.
  • When using tablets or mobile phones, in particular, the head is often lowered for a long time. This can cause back and neck pain.
  • If your child complains of pain in their hands, it is most likely caused by repetitive movements they made while playing for hours on a cell phone or game console.

Tips for the healthy use of electronic devices

  • Encourage your children to be more physical. Physical activity and exercise should be an integral part of their daily life and lifestyle. Playing video games that involve physical activity with your children can make good and effective use of their screen time as they will be doing physical activity at the same time.

    Screen time - girl in front of the TV

    • In addition, it is important that you establish strict rules for your children about how to use electronic devices. So you can control and reduce their screen time. While your children will certainly not be delighted with these rules, they are still required. The rules will help your children find a healthy balance between using tech and other activities.
    • You should also make sure that your children adopt and maintain good posture. Ask your child to hold the phone at eye level and take a break after 30 minutes. This will improve your child’s posture.

      It’s not about preventing your children from using cell phones, computers, and other devices. Rather, the goal is to use the time you spend on the screen in a sensible and healthy way. Therefore, you should reduce the amount of time they spend sitting, teach them good posture, and encourage and encourage them to exercise regularly.

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