Unconditional Love At First Sight

All parents remember this moment. Because it is the moment when you see your baby’s face for the first time. Unconditional love at first sight.
Unconditional love at first sight

Yes, it really does exist: a romance that has no expiration date: unconditional love at first sight, powerful and wonderful at the same time. You will never be able to free yourself from it again: Because it is the unconditional love that is kindled the moment you see your child for the first time.

This love story about you and your baby is written in invisible and indelible ink. It is anchored in the innermost part of your heart with affection and tenderness.

It does not matter whether you have carried this little creature inside you for 9 months or whether it comes from another belly or from another country where your child may have been waiting for a new family.

You love your children whether or not they share genetic information with you. Because they are dearly desired beings. And their faces, whatever they look like, are the most beautiful to you, they are perfect and full of magic.

You too have probably fallen in love several times in your life. Maybe twice, maybe three, ten or maybe twenty times. And very likely you have the perfect person with you today. Namely the one with whom you want to shape and build your life.

But unconditional love for a child is something else. Something incomparable that both mother and father experience with great intensity. Sometimes they ask themselves: β€œ How can such a small being make me feel something so big? ”

Unconditional love: painted woman hugging the world

Unconditional love: my baby is my world, a perfect creature that I loved before it was born

Even before your baby was in your arms, you loved it and dreamed of it. You also imagined what it would look like: the shape of his nose, the color of his hair and the shape of his chin or the sound of his voice.

You made a picture of him, but it was undoubtedly at birth, the moment you were first put into your arms with your child, that you felt something much deeper and downright intoxicating. Yes, you loved this being before. But in that moment an unconditional love kindled in you, forever.

Your child is perfect and always will be

A child is perfect simply because it was born and thus part of this world. The color of his skin or his origin will never play a role. Or whether it has a disability or a developmental disorder.

For this creature is perfect because it is loved and because the unconditional love of a mother or a father will never see defects in it. Because this being belongs to them, is part of their heart.

In fact, everyone should see it this way: Everyone should see childhood and really all children as perfect, perfect creatures. Each one deserves a perfect life for itself. Where they do not lack protection, affection, nourishment, security, appreciation and a loving upbringing.

Painted baby with wings

A very special moment: unconditional love at first sight at birth

Some children are born very peacefully. And others have tears and fear at birth. Still others only come under protest because they should leave the perfect and warm environment of the mother’s womb.

But whatever the arrival of the new human being, there is this moment … and every mother and father remembers it.

Because it is the moment when you finally see your baby’s face for the first time. Unconditional love at first sight. To this little creature that is still smeared with blood, wrapped in the whitish fruit smear, the so-called vernix caseosa. And the umbilical cord still hangs on his stomach.

There are very few such wonderful moments in life: When the pain of childbirth, exhaustion, fear and tears suddenly disappear. So that you can make this little frightened body your own, which at this very moment needs its parents so badly.

Parents and their children: an eternal and unconditional love

Painted baby with flowers

Of course, times won’t be so easy either. And you know that. Because there will be days when you are angry with your child or when it disappoints you or makes you desperate …

But there will never be a time when your love for your child wears off. Even in the most difficult moments, and even when you should be really terribly angry, you will still love it.

Because being a mother and father is exactly that: to offer the child unconditional love that will guide them every day so that they can surpass themselves. So that it always knows where its home is.

From the very first day a baby is on earth, there is something within them that will always keep them in touch with you.

It’s a love story that has no end. A book with an infinite number of chapters, from which you can learn something new from everyone. The red thread is always the same: your desire to make your child happy. To protect it and always want the best for it.

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