How Long Does A Normal Pregnancy Last?

The normal gestation period is 9 months, as almost every child already knows. But actually that’s not entirely true. How long does a normal pregnancy actually last?
How long does a normal pregnancy last?

As soon as you receive the good news about your pregnancy, the countdown begins. You start by thinking about the course of this waiting period and also ask yourself how long a normal pregnancy  actually lasts. Because you longingly wait to see your child.

We usually talk about a 9-month pregnancy, but this is not exactly the case. Then learn more about this topic.

Normal pregnancy: why is it important to know the exact duration?

From a medical point of view, the date of conception is  very important in order to be able to observe the course of the pregnancy. In this way, the approximate due date can also be determined.

The closer you are to the birth, the more frequent check-ups are carried out to guarantee the health of both mother and child. For example, the heart rhythm of the little abdominal inhabitant and the development of the lungs are examined. 

normal pregnancy

Normal pregnancy: how long does it last?

A planned pregnancy lasts exactly 266 days. This corresponds to a period of 38 calendar weeks or 8.75 months. However, all pregnancies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered normal. Because there are various factors that can influence the length of pregnancy.

If abnormalities in the development of the child are observed  , the doctor will take the necessary measures to protect the health of the mother and child. In our modern world there are numerous options for diagnosis and early treatment, some of which can be carried out while the baby is still in the womb.

What effects does the length of pregnancy have on the birth and the baby?

If a pregnancy lasts less than 37 weeks, it is called premature birth. If the birth is delayed longer than normal, one speaks first of a missed date and from the end of the 42nd week of pregnancy of a transmission.

Premature birth

If the child sees the light of day too early, there are various health risks, but these depend on the individual development of the premature baby.

If the first signs of giving birth occur before the 37th week of pregnancy, doctors can take steps to delay the birth as long as possible. Often, for example, absolute bed rest is necessary.

However, if the birth cannot be prevented,  the necessary examinations and treatments will be carried out immediately afterwards. The premature baby then usually has to stay longer in the hospital in an incubator (incubator).


If the child is a long time coming, the doctor will most likely make the decision  to induce the birth to prevent certain risks.

In the event of a transfer, there is the risk that the placenta (placenta) can gradually no longer perform its tasks correctly. If this is the case, the child is no longer adequately supplied with nutrients. The placenta also has hormonal functions and is important for the immune system.

This creates the risk of malnutrition and breathing difficulties for the child. For this reason, if a pregnancy lasts more than 41 weeks, labor is usually induced artificially.

normal pregnancy

Normal pregnancy: how is the due date calculated?

The calculation is usually made using the date of the first day of the last menstruation. The specialist usually uses this date as a starting point and adds 40 weeks to it. This is how you get the probable due date.

But this type of calculation is not precise. Also, not every woman can remember the first day of her last period. The attending physician therefore uses additional methods in the course of pregnancy to determine the due date. For example, the size of the growing child is very important. 

The best way to calculate it is to do an ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy. This means that the due date can be determined very precisely if it is a normal pregnancy. 

Determining the due date is very important to  prevent possible problems during pregnancy that could be harmful to the health of the mother and / or child. It can also prevent unnecessary medical interventions.

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