Education Without Shouting: Set The Consequences!

When children do not behave as they should, many parents get nervous and abuse or shout at their offspring. They know this from their own childhood and find it completely normal. But you can do it without screaming. 
Education without screaming: set consequences!

When children do not behave as they should, many parents get nervous and abuse or shout at their offspring. They know this from their own childhood and see it as completely normal. But you can do it  without screaming. 

Screaming only makes the child’s situation and behavior worse. You won’t achieve anything with it. On the contrary: It makes dialogue and living together with your offspring more difficult.

In addition, once the screams become a habit, the child becomes completely numb. Frustration and emotional imbalance are the consequences. 

In addition, you show your child that conflicts can be resolved with shouting and verbal violence. 

You can do it without screaming!

it works without screaming!

Clear rules

If there are clear rules for your child in the home, they are less likely to need to scream. Your offspring may not always remember the rules, so make a list and post it in a prominent place. 

This is also a memory for you. This list shows what you expect from your offspring. Anyone can take a look at these rules if necessary  and you can also adjust them again and again according to their needs. 

If your child is young and unable to read, use drawings to help clarify the rules.

Explain negative consequences beforehand

You need to explain negative consequences to your child so that they know the consequences of their behavior. After that, of course, you have to adhere to these consequences yourself! 

Consequences for inappropriate behavior can be, for example: time to think, withdrawal of privileges or logical consequences that help the child to recognize his mistakes.

Make a plan to  strategically correct your child’s wrongdoing by taking effective action. Instead of raising your voice and yelling at your child, use these strategies.

However, do not forget to enforce the consequences from the first moment, otherwise you will not be successful with it.

Mother and son talk to each other

Positive reinforcement

Motivate your child  to follow the rules through positive reinforcement. If there are negative consequences for non-compliance, exemplary behavior should also be rewarded.

Praise your child when they do something well and their behavior is positive. This will help him prevent behavior problems.

Also, you should give your child  positive attention to reduce negative behavior patterns that are trying to get your attention. 

If your offspring is having trouble following the rules, you can create a reward system.

Analyze the situations in which you scream

If you find yourself yelling at your child over and over again, you should analyze in which situations this is and why. Many parents are under stress and are often overworked,  but their children are not to blame!

Sometimes screaming can just become a habit. Parents venture out on it, but it becomes a toxic routine.

Learn techniques to calm yourself down and reduce anger or anger in healthy ways. In this way you can also be a good role model for your child so that they learn to control their impulses. You can do it without screaming !

If you are screaming because you think your child is not listening,  try new strategies to get their attention. Make sure your instructions are effective and logical!

Make your child aware of this before taking action

Instead of yelling at your son or daughter,  point out their mistakes and remind them of the consequences. If you yell at them right away, it creates a power struggle that you usually lose.

The more often you yell at a child, the more likely they are to respond in challenging ways. However, if you point out the consequences to them and then also fulfill them, they  know that you mean business.

You always have to adhere to the announced consequences, otherwise this system will not work. But you will see: You can do it without screaming.

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