7 Little White Lies That Every Mother Uses At Some Point

Most mothers are willing to lie for the sake of their children. Generally we speak of small white lies; sometimes they’re not that good, but every mother tells them to her child at some point.
7 little white lies every mom will use at some point

Everyone uses little white lies at some point  including mothers. It is often very funny to remember it later with the children.

Have you used these  white lies yourself  ?

White lies that all mothers use at some point

You will know these white lies from your own mother and have probably used them yourself.

Do not worry, they are completely harmless and do not cause childhood trauma. In memory, when those white lies come back to your mind, you and your children will smile together.

1. Nothing will happen to you if you tell the truth

Usually this is not true because the truth is often bitter. Therefore it is usually difficult to keep this  promise. Often, mothers simply want to find out what exactly happened.

7 little white lies that all mothers tell at some point

2.  I will think about it

With this sentence you can save yourself a clear “no”. It’s about rejecting something without  taking away hope from the child.  You actually have time to think about it all over again.

However, you hope that your child will forget the request so that you don’t have to comply. Your mother must have used those white lies too.

3.  There is no need to worry, I am fine

White lies are normal when a mother is not doing well. She wants to spare her child worry and not worry him unnecessarily.

A mother usually tries to keep pain or anger away from her children and not let them show. It’s just about not unsettling the child.

4. When you are X years old, you can have this

There are many reasons why we withhold something from our children. Sometimes we are afraid  because there may be danger with it. In other cases it may be an unaffordable wish.

Therefore, mothers postpone some things to a later date. When the child is older, the danger is no longer so great. Or there is time to save in order to fulfill the child’s wish.

Mothers with children sometimes use white lies

5. Get up! It’s late!

Lying about time is a skill that every mother will perfect over time.

If we want our children to hurry up so that they have enough time for breakfast and are ready on time, small white lies can help.

This method can also work in the evening if you want the child to go to bed a little earlier.

6.  We’re leaving now

Mothers are very busy and don’t like to wait when they go out with their children. In this case, too, white lies are often used. It is better for the child to wait a moment than for you!

You may also want to do a few things before you go out. With a little white lie you can ensure that your child does not become a nuisance: We’re leaving now can also mean that you need another 10 minutes!

7. Relax, I know what I’m doing

To reassure their child, mothers sometimes use a little white lie. Even mothers don’t know everything and sometimes need time to think  about how best to cope with certain things.

Sometimes you feel lost as a mother, you have no idea how to do it, but you always have a calming word for the child.

A mother doesn’t need to know everything, but she does need to help her child stay calm, even if it doesn’t work the first time.

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