6 Myths About Motherhood

The intense feeling of happiness a mother feels when she knows her child is on the way can be overshadowed by doubts and other thoughts that beset her mind. This is especially true of all the myths about motherhood that we hear.
6 myths about motherhood

Myths are beliefs that spread to the general public due to a lack of knowledge and accuracy of a certain topic. There are numerous pointless and unfounded myths about motherhood that are passed down from generation to generation.

These beliefs can lead an inexperienced mother to worry and be afraid of taking care of her little one. These mothers may even begin to wonder if their wonderful work as mothers lives up to the standard.

Myths about motherhood shouldn’t be a cause for concern. On the contrary: if a mother does not know enough about a certain topic, she should do research, seek professional help and try to find the right solution.

Myths About Motherhood

Myths about motherhood - sad-mother

In this article, we’re going to share a variety of truths and myths about motherhood with you to help clear your worries. You will be a more peaceful and confident mother if you have the right information:

All mothers naturally have a maternal instinct

But on the contrary. Being a mother means taking great responsibility and not all women are ready to do so. So becoming a mother is a big decision.

To be a mother means infinite happiness

Although we as mothers feel joy and contentment when we watch our little treasures grow, there are also sad moments. Moments in which we are disappointed, worried or frustrated.

To be a mother means to lose your freedom

On the contrary. Motherhood is the time when mothers have to plan their time and activities without forgetting that they are also entitled to have fun and hobbies and go shopping, to the cinema or to the park, etc.

Breastfeeding makes us better mothers

It is true that breastfeeding is effective in helping our children grow up healthy. It also strengthens the bond between mother and child. However, there are other forms of food that are just as healthy.

So a woman will not be a bad mother if there is a medical or personal reason preventing her from breastfeeding her baby.

All women have dreamed of being mothers since they were little

Even if it is true that motherhood brings us a lot of joy and satisfaction, it is not an essential prerequisite for feeling like a woman.

Postpartum depression is a product of the lack of love a mother feels for her baby

The feeling of sadness a mother feels after giving birth is testament to the hormonal activities she is going through. That doesn’t mean she loves her child less.

Myths Free Motherhood Tips

Myths about motherhood - mother-playing-baby

To deal with myths about motherhood, keep the following tips in mind to expand your knowledge and minimize the doubts that arise from wrong beliefs:

  • Read magazines and articles about motherhood to improve your knowledge of specific topics like weaning, how to be a mother and wife at the same time, etc.
  • Disregard the comments and tips from outsiders. It is important to get professional help, for example from a doctor or psychologist.
  • Ask your partner for help. Raising a child is not an easy task and mothers always need someone who understands and helps them.
  • Mothers should be confident in their way of acting and apply their knowledge. Mothers are precious and courageous women who always try to do the best possible job.

Remember, not all mothers are perfect. However, most of them are brave people who face numerous challenges every day.

Honest information is something that can make it easier to overcome these motherhood challenges.

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