5 Short Fables About Important Values ​​for Children

Children love animals. Since fables have animal characters, they are great for instilling values ​​into children. These five short fables will keep you entertained.

Fables are short stories in which animals are the main characters and which always end with a moral. Short fables about important values for children can help little ones understand what is good and what is bad.

Every culture has countless popular fables. So you’ve probably heard of some of the five short fables listed below.

Short fables about important values for children: hard work

The following fables are good examples that the shortest route is not always best. Nowadays, people always want everything right away, so it is necessary to remember values ​​such as patience and perseverance.

The milkmaid and her bucket

A girl went to the market to sell a bucket of milk. She plans to use the money she earns to buy eggs to hatch some chickens. She then plans to sell them in order to buy more animals and earn more money with the profits. However, she is so lost in her thoughts that she trips, the bucket falls to the floor, and the milk is spilled.

It’s a good thing to have plans, ideas, and projects, but it’s even better to be mindful of what’s ahead. If we don’t do the things we should be doing, these projects are just that: ideas that never get implemented and as a result, don’t make a profit.

The ant and the grasshopper

This fable tells a similar story, but from a different angle. In this case, the grasshopper sings in the summer while the ant continues to work, saving food for the winter. What do you think will happen when winter comes? The grasshopper has nothing to eat and asks the ant for help, but the ant refuses to do so.

This lesson is not about not helping others, but about avoiding being lazy like the grasshopper. For example, if you teach your kids to be persistent and help them develop good study habits, they ‘ll focus more and it will pay off in the long run.

Since it is not easy to easily achieve goals over the years, they also develop a sense of responsibility.

Short fables about important values: respect

Showing disrespect for others is one of our major weaknesses. So what could be better than teaching your children about humility with these fables?

The hare and the turtle

In a race between these two animals, we already seem to have a sense of who is going to win. But despite all odds, the turtle wins in this fable. Because the rabbit is so certain that he will win that he even stops to take a nap during the race. However, he sleeps so long that he cannot reach the finish line in time before the turtle.

Looks can be deceiving and vanity is an enemy. Children should not compare themselves to their peers or other children. Win or lose, get the best grades … none of that really matters. Because what really counts is the effort you put into something.

The lion and the mouse

One day a mouse wakes a giant lion and asks him to let it live. In return, the mouse helps the lion whenever he needs help. You are probably wondering how a little mouse is going to help a wild lion. The lion couldn’t answer this either, but let go of the mouse.

However, a while later some hunters captured the lion. He then yelled as loudly as he could for help. The mouse heard his roar and gnawed at the ropes to free the lion.

The moral of this story is how important it is to treat others well because you never know when you will need their help. Helping without expecting anything in return is also one of the cornerstones of building strong friendships.

Another short fable about important values ​​for children

There are dozen of great moral fables ( The City Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Fox and the Crow ), but we’re going to talk about another one here that is as relevant to children as it is to adults.

The hen that laid golden eggs

Imagine you have a hen that lays a golden egg from time to time. If this happens, it must be because there is gold inside the hen, right?

Well, that’s what the hen owners thought, but to their surprise they didn’t find any gold in it when they killed the hen. As a result, they had neither golden eggs nor a hen.

Greed and impatience make us lose our way. So sometimes it’s just best to adjust and take care of what we have because we can lose all of what we have in an instant.

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