4 Tips On How To Understand Your 2-year-olds!

Every father or mother talks about 2-year-old children who are in a difficult or even terrifying phase. The truth is that understanding a child this age can actually be impossible.
4 tips on how to understand your 2 year olds!

Anyone who has not yet reached this stage may think that sounds exaggerated. But those who have survived know what we are talking about and how difficult it is to understand a 2 year old.

The problem is we’re getting it wrong. “It’s about having the right attitude.” This is confirmed by parents who have gone through this time. It is just not possible to see the world through the child’s eyes when you are an adult. Therefore, if you want to understand your 2-year-olds , at least partially, you have to be flexible.

There is a good reason for that. It just so happens that children of this age do not have the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. In addition, they are a long way from being able to assess the consequences of their actions. But the future of these little ones depends on us. So that you want to understand your 2-year-olds is right and important.

For this reason, we have put together some facilitating tips for you in this  I am a mother article, which should help you with this. Only then will you be able to get through this time, which is sometimes a nightmare.

Create a distance between your child’s actions and your reactions. 


4 tips on how to understand your 2 year olds:

Understand 2 year olds

  • Your child doesn’t understand what limits are. This phase is about exhausting social norms. The little ones test their parents. They want to find out what happens when they kick the table. They play with their food, they break their toys and refuse to pick them up. Things are constantly thrown on the floor and that’s where the shoes that are taken off and also the clothes end up. Then your child promises over and over again that it won’t happen again, but it does. They are real repeat offenders. Your child plays and finds out where the boundaries are in order to feel validated and also appreciated. It is best to ignore your wrongdoing. But if they obey, you must praise their positive behavior to reinforce them.
  • Your child doesn’t understand the dimensions of punishment. Often times, you may find yourself unable to understand your 2-year-olds. In short, they rob you of all patience, wreck you and get you to a point where you don’t know what to do next. When you make a threat, it doesn’t seem to affect it. But if you let the consequences follow, they suddenly cry bitterly. If you think that your child cannot understand you or cannot distinguish between negative and affirmative, then you are wrong. It simply does not yet know the consequences of its actions or what a punishment will entail. Do not hesitate to follow suit. Act promptly so your child can understand the cause and effect relationship.

    Tips to better understand your 2 year olds

    • Your child denies any form of gratitude. Your child doesn’t yet know how to share, so you decide to give them a gift. You get that one toy that it always argues about with its cousins ​​and friends. Are you perplexed by your 2 year old’s reaction to this amazing gift? Don’t worry, it’s not that it’s not happy about it. Your child just feels taken by surprise. It is overwhelmed with feelings it has never experienced – these are gratitude and overwhelming joy. In this case, all you can do is wait until your child is older. Then at some point you will see how it can also express the joy of a gift that it wanted so badly.
    • Answers that leave you empty-handed. If your child is actually talkative and still only answers specific questions, relax. To understand your 2 year olds, you need to know that this is a normal reaction at that age. It is difficult for them to answer open-ended questions that require more than a “yes” or “no”. But that’s still to come. He or she just doesn’t know where to start with an answer and then they choose silence instead. The solution to this is simple: Make your questions concrete and specific. Another common response is a “what?” Your child just wants to buy more time to answer. Attention fluctuates and children are easily distracted during this phase. Bring her back to the question and speak slowly.

      Understand your 2-year-olds: Difficult but not impossible!

      As you can see, every strange reaction from your child has a reason. Try to stay calm so you can understand your 2 year olds. Often the solutions are really easier and more obvious than we think!

      We speak of the “terrible 2-year-olds” and call this age a complicated phase that many parents are afraid of. But with a little patience, willpower, commitment and even sacrifice you will find that you can master this time. So how are you doing Do some of the things we have described sound familiar to you? If you have a solution, please share it with us!

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