3 Situations In Which All Mothers Can Screw Up Something

In the following we will tell you a few things that could happen to you. Because you are simply a person and a mother. And we all know that time is a gift and that we have to learn to make the most of it every day.
3 situations in which all mothers can screw up something

Nobody is perfect and this is known to all mothers on this planet. Are you one of those women who always wants to be perfect in everything? You have probably already noticed that this is not possible and that we all screw up something.

Perhaps you thought that working, being a mother and having a flawless home is something that you can easily reconcile with social life and time for yourself.

No, it’s not that simple. There are only 24 hours in the day and it is absolutely normal that we should all screw up something in this time window . Don’t worry, we’re mothers … and while we’re not perfect, it’s kind of like we are.

As mothers, we always try to move on and be proud of our children and our lives. Even if we screw something up every now and then, we know that we are always doing our best. That alone should be enough reason for joy and satisfaction.

But the reality is that we can all screw things up at one point or another. And you know what? This will not end the world! You will always find an opportunity to improve something.

Thoughtful mother thinks she screwed something up.

In the following we will show you some situations that could well happen to you. Because you are simply a person and a mother. And we all know that time is a gift and that we have to learn to make the most of it every day.

You feel unproductive when your kids are sleeping

In every household there is at least one moment a day when the house is completely silent: when the children are sleeping. At this point in the evening, parents usually have big plans and are trying to feel like adults again.

But the reality is very different. If the children are already asleep, you are probably already exhausted and tired. Most of the time you have absolutely no energy or desire to do anything other than go to bed early yourself.

Even early in the morning there is a moment of silence in most households. But getting up early before the kids wake up isn’t really feasible either. Because you need to rest and recharge your batteries for the new day.

Maybe you can get up at least a little earlier. But don’t expect to have enough time to clean the whole house or prepare the food for the whole week. Try to be realistic about doing something while your children are sleeping. Plan your time well so you can feel productive too.

Don’t think about dinner

It must have happened to you before, and maybe more than once a week. It `s not my fault! The stress and responsibility that working mothers have every day doesn’t make it easy to keep thinking about everything.

It is ideal when you have enough time to go to the supermarket, buy fresh ingredients and then prepare a great dinner for the whole family.

Plus, it would be perfect if you then had time to help the kids with their homework, give them a bath, and just hang out with them. Seems like a bit of a program when you’re just thinking about dinner, doesn’t it?

The most important thing is to have dinner with all family members. Thus one can enjoy this special moment of being together as a family.

But there isn’t always enough time to prepare a super healthy dinner. And if you do find the time, it usually means that you have to improvise with the ingredients from the fridge.

Do not have a guilty conscience, this is absolutely normal. Just avoid cooking foods that are fried or too greasy – this is a good start!

Stressed mother.

Do not let age-appropriate programs run on the television when the children are sitting in front of it

You can’t control everything that’s on TV. Sometimes the programs that run before bed are not suitable for children.

However, if you hold the remote control in your hand and look for another, more appropriate program, it can sometimes happen that suddenly images appear that are absolutely not age-appropriate. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault and it can happen from time to time.

The staff, the television station should think about the fact that millions of children can watch these programs. However, if you want to prevent this from happening again, do some research on which channels are best for your children.

Just take a look at the TV magazine to see whether they are suitable for all target groups. If you’re still not sure, it’s better not to turn on the channel in the first place.

In which situations did you manage to screw up something? Tell us about your experiences!

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