22 French Girls’ Names And Their Meanings

Choosing the name is not easy, because this defines the person for a lifetime.
22 French girls' names and their meanings

Are you still looking for a name for your future daughter? French girl names  sound beautiful and are therefore very popular. We have made a selection for you. You might find your daughter’s name underneath.

Choosing a name is not an easy task  because it will shape your child for life.  If you’re still looking, take a look at this list for inspiration.

22 French girls’ names and their meanings

1. Adeline

The first name on our list means “noble”. Adeline is suitable for sensitive, emotional girls who are full of surprises.

2. Alizee

The meaning of this beautiful name is “always wild”. Alizee is extroverted, adventurous and very confident.

3. Brigitte

Brigitte means “strength”. This name is perfect for  a discreet, dreamy person who enjoys being in contact with other people.

4. Charlotte

This French maiden name means “powerful”. Usually they are empathetic and very devoted person. Charlotte knows how to keep her composure.

5. Desirée

Desirée means “longing”. Sensitive and prudent, she quickly understands which strategy to follow.

6. Edith

This name means “prosperity”. Edith is a humble person who lacks confidence but is still very successful.

French girl names - French-girl-names-2

7. Giselle

Giselle means “promise”. Safety is very important to them. Their patience and perseverance make them very successful. 

8. Ivette

This lovely name from our list of French girl names means “the archer”. Ivette is always on the go with emotion and empathy.

9. Juliette

This name means “to have strong roots”. Juliette never panics, she acts more seriously and calmly. She has both feet firmly on the ground, is introverted and does not give up easily.

10. Léonore

This name means “compassion”. Léonore may appear ostentatious and cold at first glance, but this is only for self-defense.

11. Lissette

Lissette means “God is abundance”. She is not easy to influence and is dominant and objective with good self-esteem.

12. Lorraine

The meaning of this cute name is “laurel wreath”. Regarding her qualities, Lorraine prefers to reason logically rather than being guided by her intuition.

She is quite subjective and sees the world in her own way.

13. Melanie

This beautiful name means “dark”. Melanie is an excited, extroverted person in need of attention. In return, she is pleasant, lively, curious, and difficult to influence.

14. Nancy

Nancy means “grace”. She is an introverted person who needs to feel secure in order to flourish and be successful through her patience and perseverance.

15. Noelle

The meaning of Noelle is “day of birth”. She is an intelligent person, very emotional, pleasant and active, but terribly complex.

16. Ornella

Ornella means “gold”. Discreet and efficient, Ornella has a balanced character. This allows her to live her life to the best of her knowledge and belief.

17. Roxanne

This lovely name means ‘grace’. Roxanne is a brilliant person who imposes a greater rhythm of life on her surroundings. She is cold blooded and has real problem-solving skills.

18. Sophie

Sophie is a lovely name that means ‘wisdom’. However, she is usually a reserved person who struggles to open up to the rest of the world.

19. Violet

This name refers to the color purple. Usually she is opportunistic, so Violette can deviate from her values ​​and morals if she deems it necessary. 

20. Viviane

The name means “full of life”. Viviane has great self-control. Therefore she is able to face difficult situations.

French maiden names

21. Yvonne

Yvonne means “yew”. She is able to surrender when she believes in something. She always carries out projects with discretion. 

22. Zoe

The meaning of our last suggestion is “life”. Zoe is sociable and enjoys being around people and friends. Likewise, she has real values ​​and life principles from which she never shrinks.

French girl names are very popular, you might find the perfect name for your girl on this list!

We are sure that you will make the right decision!

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