15 Common Side Effects Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase of physical changes that are often accompanied by physical discomfort. If you have any of these ailments, know that you are not alone.
15 common side effects of pregnancy

The pregnancy side effects described in this article are very common. Because during this time the metabolism changes and the body has to work extra to enable the child to develop properly.

Among other things, this leads to various  side effects of pregnancy that  should be regarded as completely normal and disappear again after the child is born.

These side effects are different for every woman. You shouldn’t worry though!

Side effects of pregnancy in the first trimester


Digestive disorders caused by hormones such as progesterone are very common during pregnancy.

When you sleep, position your head higher and eat smaller portions, but a little more often.


Fatigue is due to the hormones and weight gain. To avoid feeling tired, you should rest as much as possible and take a nap whenever you can.


Constipation is a typical symptom and can occur throughout pregnancy. To prevent this as much as possible, you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day and eat a diet rich in fiber.

Frequent urination

Going to the bathroom frequently is one of the first symptoms pregnant women notice. It is the most common side effect both at the beginning of pregnancy and in the final section.

Drink plenty of water to replace the lost fluids!

Nausea and vomiting

Eat a balanced diet so that you don’t feel sick during pregnancy. Soda water can also help in this case, but every woman reacts differently.

Side effects of pregnancy in the second trimester


Muscle cramps are a typical side effect in the second trimester. As soon as they occur, you should try massaging the affected area. In addition, a diet rich in calcium and magnesium can prevent cramps.

Stuffy nose

A stuffy nose is another common symptom in the second trimester. Don’t mistake this for a cold.

Make sure you don’t have any other symptoms like a fever or body aches. If this is the case, a doctor’s visit is due!

Edema or swelling of the hands and feet

The retention of fluid in the tissue is quite normal during pregnancy. This leads to swelling. 

Put your feet up as often as possible and give yourself regular rest!

Skin pigmentation

Some pregnant women develop dark spots on their faces. They are known as melasma or chloasma. This pigmentation most commonly appears on the nose, cheeks, or neck.

Use sun protection with a high sun protection factor!

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common side effect of pregnancy caused by softening of the blood vessels. Don’t spend too long standing!

Side effects of pregnancy in the third trimester


Hemorrhoids are a very common symptom in pregnant women. To avoid them, you should eat a diet rich in fiber. Because that helps promote good bowel function.

Back pain

Middle back pain is very common in pregnant women. Use heat treatments and stretching exercises to find relief!

Gum disease

Side effects of pregnancy: nausea

Gum disease, or gingivitis, is quite common during pregnancy. To avoid them, thorough dental hygiene is essential. Regular visits to the dentist are also very important!

Racing heart

Palpitations or tachycardia (high heart rate) are very common in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the larger amount of blood in your body.

In general, they are not problematic. However, if you experience frequent palpitations, you should speak to your doctor to find the cause.

Rib pain

Chest pain is typical during the latter stages of pregnancy. This is due to a larger uterus and the movements of the fetus.

Avoid sitting too much during this time. There are positions you can try to stretch the chest area.

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