11 Mistakes In The First Child

Knowing these common mistakes beforehand will make it easier to avoid them. Nobody is perfect, but knowledge is power. 
11 mistakes in the first child

It is quite normal for a mother to make some mistakes in raising her children, especially if it is her first child.

The most common mistakes a primiparous woman makes

React with panic in any situation

Many mothers react disproportionately to vomiting or belching from their child. The baby usually perceives all of his mother’s feelings and moods. Fear and nervousness can spread to the child. Try to do everything calmly and without fear.

Disinfect everything the child owns until they are one year old

Hygiene is important for babies in the first few weeks of life, but it shouldn’t be obsessed with. Try to keep his belongings clean, but still let them come into contact with a certain number of bacteria. These help to build up one’s immune system, but are too few to cause an infection.

Wake up the child to eat

Babies wake up when they are hungry and therefore there is usually no need to interrupt their sleep to do so. If your child hasn’t woken up yet, let them go back to sleep. Experts recommend that babies should eat every 3 hours for the first few weeks of life. But that doesn’t mean you have to wake them up to feed them.

Wear too much clothing

Is it a mistake to wrap your child too thickly?

Babies tend to get cold easily in their first few weeks of life. On the other hand, if you put too much clothing on them, they will sweat a lot.

Keeping your body temperature in balance is key to everything. You can tell if your baby is cold by checking the temperature of their hands and feet or seeing if they are a little purple in color. If your child sweats around the neck or head, they may be dressed too “thickly” and feel too warm.

Forced silence when the child sleeps during the day

After a month and a half, the child’s sleep pattern begins to recognize the light-dark cycle and is ready to sleep longer at night. Therefore, the baby has to get used to the daily noises at home during naps. This is how it recognizes whether it is day or night. However, if we force absolute silence during the day when the child is sleeping, it will be startled and wake up at every sound.

Compare your own baby with others

You shouldn’t compare children with one another, as each one develops at its own pace. As long as this takes place in an area that is considered normal, there is nothing to worry about.

During the visits to the doctor, the pediatrician will check that the child is developing normally. So do not compare your experiences with those of other mothers, because everyone experiences their child’s development in a different way.

Bathe the children every day

Pediatricians assure that it is enough to bathe babies two to three times a week. If you wipe your child with wet wipes and wash their hands after each diaper change, there is no need to bathe them daily and even less with soap, even if it is for sensitive skin.

Is it a mistake if the child sleeps in bed?

Do not use the time when the baby is asleep for a nap of their own 

This is a common mistake made by the first child. Try to do the housework that you have left behind while the baby sleeps. After a few weeks, most will realize how tired they actually are. It is estimated that mothers lose between 400 and 750 hours of sleep with their first child during their baby’s first year of life.

Nobody is allowed to touch or hug the baby

Often, mothers fear that someone is sick and that they could infect their baby with a kiss or a hug. In general, everyone should be aware that those who are sick should not approach children in order to avoid the risk of infection.

To cut the child’s hair so that it grows stronger

It is not recommended to cut the baby’s hair before the age of one. The belief that hair grows stronger this way is a myth because the new hair grows just like the old one.

In addition, if the baby is very small, he can lose heat through his head. The texture, color and type of hair changes in the first year of life and is mainly due to genetic inheritance.

The mistake of neglecting the partner

It’s normal for a new mom to want to spend every minute with her baby. But the time with the partner should not be neglected either. If possible, find a babysitter or ask a family member for help. You should try to do activities together once a week or every 14 days and experience intimate moments together.

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