10 Ways To Bring Your Child Closer To God

Bringing your child closer to God is very important for many parents in today’s society with the constant loss of values.
10 ways to bring your child closer to God

If you are religious and would like to raise your child like this, here are 10 ways that will help you bring your child  closer to God.

Most of the education takes place at home, not at school. Parents are responsible for teaching their pupils values ​​such as respect and charity.

These values ​​can be imparted through belief in God . Of course there are also various other ways, but today we are aimed at believing people.

Today is fast-paced, there is often no time for simple but important things. Money worries, jobs, and other responsibilities make us focus mainly on  material things. This in turn leads to a  loss of value. 

But positive values ​​are fundamental in a person’s life. Parents should therefore make a special effort in bringing up their children. Spiritual education promotes general health. Because negative emotions also affect the body!  

How can you bring your child closer to God?

One goal of faith is to instill positive values ​​like honesty or compassion that enable everyone to have a better future. If you  want to develop your child’s spirituality  to give them more security and strength, these tips can help you.

Take your child to mass

Take your child to mass on a regular basis. Hearing about the life and actions of Jesus will motivate your child  to do good. 

It is also entertained by the various stories and parables, which are not only educational, but can also be applied to the present day.

Pray with your child before they go to sleep

Many people pray before going to bed. It is important that your child knows the basic prayers; this allows him to better adjust to the Christian community. 

Child prays to god

Encourage your child to sign up for Christian groups

In these groups there will be other children who share similar values ​​and love for God. Joint excursions are also entertaining and instructive. Finding like-minded friends is very rewarding.

Show him films and books that talk about God

There are many films about God that are very inspiring especially for children. Books are also perfect for teaching children about religious values.

After watching the movie or reading, talk to your child about the topic to bring them closer to God. Sharing educational content with your child strengthens your emotional bond and at the same time gives your child security.

Show your child how well they are

There are thousands of people in the world who live in poverty, suffer from hunger, war or abuse. Your child is privileged and they should know what is going on in other parts of the world. 

Talk to them about the value of helping others and encourage them to get involved in nonprofits.

Say grace

Saying grace is a sign of gratitude. Being grateful for each meal not only brings your child closer to God,  but also teaches them humility and the value of food.

This can be done at lunch or dinner when the whole family is present.

Child closer to God - child_nearer_to_God

To love nature is to love God

God not only wants us to love our neighbor, but also nature. Your child should learn to love and respect every living being, all plants and animals. We were all created equal.

We shouldn’t hurt anyone. Violating nature is another way of violating God and thus our own Christian identity. 

Pray while you are pregnant

If you are in contact with God during your pregnancy, your baby will notice this and come closer to God. To do this, choose a place that is quiet and cozy.

Concentrate on the child you are carrying with every sentence you pray.

Talk to your child

It is good practice to talk to your child about God and about faith. In order for a child to grow up with religious values, they must see their parents as a role model.

Sit down with your child often and talk to them about their problems and doubts.

The value of forgiveness

One of the most important tenets of Christianity is forgiveness. Knowing how to forgive is one of the hardest and most valuable lessons one can learn. 

Knowing that we are all human and that we make mistakes is an emotionally sound way to be closer to God.

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